How companies use the theory relating to adaptation

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131059182 , Length: word count:2000

Use the Theory relating to Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage to explain how companies from the following industries have used this theory for the pursuit of their businesses:

  • Computer industry (hardware or software)
  • Tourism / hospitality industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Food / Beverage industry
  • Retail industry
  • Airline industry

Students should choose 2 industries from the list above and 2 companies in each industry (4 companies in total).

This is a group assignment. Every member of the group is expected to be able to discuss all areas of the report.  You should meet many times and discuss the issues identified in the report. 

Suggested Structure:

  • Introduction
  • Body: a paragraph heading for each of Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage containing discussion of ideas using your research outcomes of the 4 companies studied. OR you can focus on the industry-level analysis using the 4 companies researched. How has each industry been pursuing some or all the elements of the 'AAA' framework? Use the table below as a guide.


Industry 1 (Companies A, B)

Industry 2 (Companies C, D)






  • Conclusion

You do not need to define the concepts. Descriptive material has negligible value and should be avoided.  We are seeking analysis, discussion and recommendation, enriched by ideas found in journal articles.

In business you will be expected to produce short well-argued reports.  This is where you demonstrate that skill.

All ideas in the report must be referenced using Harvard Referencing (in-text citations and full references at the back).

Our lecturer asked us to choose two topic from the assignment question and we have choose those two topic along with their respective company and handed over to lecturer.....these are the topic

Airline industry - Dragon air
                       - Qatar air

Hospitality industry -Marriot Hotel

Reference no: EM131059182

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