How companies learn your secrets perpetuated

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Reference no: EM133532947


1. Explain how Charles Duhigg's article "How companies learn your secrets" perpetuated particular myths about personalized advertising, and why those myths made it more difficult for people to understand how personalized advertising actually works. You should draw from specific examples in your answer as well as offering a clear definition of how "myth" is used in science and technology research.

2. In class lecture, we defined expertise as related to the Communication theory of ethos. Explain how ethos and expertise are related, and how public communicators of science and technology rely on ethos to make sure their ideas are taken seriously. You should provide an example to demonstrate your understanding of this idea.

3. Throughout this class, we have talked about many ways science--as well as the public communication of science--is shaped by known and unknown biases. First, offer a definition of bias as it relates to science and/or science communication, then provide one example of bias in science or technology from our class material.

In class lecture, we explored a meta-analysis of masking initiatives to prevent various disease infection spread. Anti-mask advocates seized on the study's use of the word "uncertainty" to promote a campaign about how masks do not work as a mitigation strategy. Based on our class material, explain why "uncertainty" is such an important component of the scientific process, and why so many science communicators struggle with conveying "uncertainty" when talking online or to media outlets.

Reference no: EM133532947

Questions Cloud

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