How clearly has the writer of each email defined

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133556422

Question: Write a paragraph of at least ten sentences or more that compares and contrasts email A and email B ()in terms of the relative persuasiveness of each communication. Main sentence or topic in 3 to 4 sentences. In doing so, refer EXPLICITLY to at least FOUR of the following course CORE CONCEPTS:

Purpose: how clearly has the writer of each email defined the purpose of their message?
Audience:to what extent has the writer in each case demonstrated an understanding of the needs of their audience, in terms of the amount of information provided, the way the information is communicated, the tone with which the audience is addressed etc.?
Genre: To what extent has each writer followed appropriate conventions of email writing, in terms of proper structure/paragraphing, appropriate greeting/sign-off, appropriate level of formality etc.? summary,background,facts,outcomes
Main idea/supporting evidence: How clearly has each writer stated their main message/idea/point? How well have they supported that point with clear and relevant evidence?
Persuasive techniques: To what extent has each writer used an appropriate balance of logic and emotion? How has each writer established their credibility?
Language and tone: How appropriate is the language and tone in each case, given the purpose/audience/genre? (HINT: Look at the grammar/spelling/punctuation and choice of vocabulary, as well as the overall attitude of the writer towards their subject and/or audience).

Reference no: EM133556422

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