How clear was the intent of the discussion

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131432146 , Length: word count:1750

Planning A Playground [Video file]. (2008). Available from Pearson Custom Publishing website:

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word summary of your responses to the following, after completing the collaborative Week 3 discussion associated with the "Planning a Playground and "Politics of Sociology" videos.
Group Interaction

How clear was the intent of the discussion?

How prepared were your group members for the discussion?

Did everyone participate equally in the discussion?

Were group members open to different points of view?

How would you describe the overall climate of the discussion?

Did you feel your group was productive in the discussion? Did you use the time efficiently?

What strategies can you use in future discussions to increase productivity and outcomes?

What approach will you take next time to increase group cohesion?

Video Analysis - "Planning A Playground"

What are the issues in this meeting?

What did they do well as a group?

Can you identify constructive or deconstructive conflict occurring in this group? What are some key indicators? What conflict styles do you see?

Based on what you learned this week, how might you handle this situation differently?

Video Analysis - "The Politics of Sociology"

What are the issues in this meeting?

What did they do well as a group?

What types of conflict do you see in this video? Provide examples.

There is a clear leader in this video. What can he do to be a better leader for this group?

Based on what you learned this week, how might you handle this team situation differently?

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131432146

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