How children develop in the preschool

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Reference no: EM132760461

1. What are some differences in how children develop in the preschool years of early childhood, compared to their development as toddlers?
2. What are some of the Physical developments during early childhood?
3. Children who cannot recognize the sensation that their bladder is full often suffer from enuresis, which is commonly known as what?
4. Children need daytime nap or a quiet rest until about what age?
5. A child who awakes abruptly from a deep sleep in a state of panic within an hour after falling asleep. His parents get him quieted down quickly, and he has no memory of the incident in the morning is probably experiencing what?
6. A child whose brain has slowed in overall development but has experienced the most rapid development in the areas of the brain associated with language, thinking, and spatial relationships is in what age range?
7. What does Gross motor coordination allow a child to do?
8. According to the text, children are usually not physically ready to participate in organized sports until they are what age?
9. A child who is 4 years old is experiencing the most rapid brain development in what region of the brain?
10. New research on handedness suggests that handedness is most influenced by what?
11. A child who is able to button his shirt and cut his food alone has developed what kind of skills?
12. What is a key to preventing obesity in children?
13. A system of descriptive and evaluative representations about the self is called what?
14. When a 4-year-old boy is asked to describe himself, he will typically tell you about which type of self?
15. How do most young children their self-esteem?
16. The judgment children make about their overall worth is called what?
17. How do children with high self-esteem respond to failure?
18. According to research on children's understanding of emotions, when 4-year-olds do something that has been forbidden by their parents, they feel shame when ........
19. At what age do children first begin to take pride in their accomplishments, even when no one is around to see them doing something well?
20. According to the text, which of the following is a reason for the difficulty that 3-year-olds have in understanding their own emotions?
21. Feeling both angry and relieved at the same time is an example of what?
22. According to Erikson, which of the following is the central issue of early childhood?
23. According to Erikson, a child who feels comfortable trying new things, without excessive guilt or fear, is said to have acquired the virtue of ........
24. Psychological or behavioral differences between males and females are called
25. With regard to physical growth during middle childhood, how do girls and girls differ?
26. How does the text describe the rates of physical growth during middle childhood?
27. During middle childhood, children need approximately how many calories a day?
28. How does the need for sleep differ between early childhood and middle childhood?
29. Losses in the density of gray matter for developing children result in what?
30. Rough-and-tumble play peaks in what stage of life?
31. In terms of motor development during middle childhood, which gender is superior in movement accuracy?
32. A child who is very concerned with how she looks is at risk of developing what disease?
33. Know what is true about overweight children
34. A 10 years old child who is about 40 pounds above his ideal body weight is more likely to be affected by what?
35. What is the main risk for Children who have higher BMIs, hypertension, and glucose intolerance?
36. What disease that was typically found in overweight older adults in the past but is now being diagnosed at an alarming rate in childhood?
37. In the neo-Piagetian scheme of self-concept development, the third stage of development, which begins around 7 or 8 years of age, involves the ability to form what?
38. A child who knows that he sometimes loses his temper and gets angry at his friends is developing What aspect of self-definition?
39. A child thinks it is important to be pretty and smart, and knows that she is both. She also values her popularity at the high school. However, her self-esteem is likely to suffer if what?
40. What is The major contributor to self-esteem?

Reference no: EM132760461

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