How chatgpt robs students of motivation

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Reference no: EM133483457

Question: critique the essay drafts introduction, summary and critical response

"How ChatGPT Robs Students of Motivation to Write and Think for Themselves" by Naomi S. Baron


In her article "How ChatGPT Robs Students of Motivation to Write and Think for Themselves," Naomi S. Baron raises concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence language models, specifically ChatGPT, on students' motivation and independent thinking skills. The author "Naomi S. Baron" is a linguist which means she is a professional when it comes to reading, writing or anything that is about languages and grammar. While Baron raises legitimate worries about the possible negative effects of depending excessively on AI-driven help, her arguments neglect the less obvious manners in which AI might be applied to improve, rather than degrade, students' writing and thinking skills.


In reply to the rising number of students using AI or ChatGpt for assignments and projects , Naomi S Baron, in her article "How ChatGPT robs students of motivation to write and think for themselves" that was published in January 19, 2023 states that the widespread use of ChatGPT and other AI-driven writing tools raises serious concerns about plagiarism, a decrease in writing abilities, the loss of personal expression and individual writing style, the potential loss of critical thinking and creative engagement, and the progression of a sense of responsibility and connection to written work. As they provide ready-made content and quick fixes, these tools demotivate students from writing and exercising independent thought. Teachers and students must negotiate the lines between using AI to help them and valuing writing as a human activity that promotes communication, self-expression, and personal development. ChatGpt has its own positive and negative effects towards students such as you can use this AI to ask definitions, origin and other researchable information quickly but not use AI to generate something and copy and paste to send to a professor as an assignment or project. Lastly, it is important that we value our minds and practice using our own words and thoughts to create something and not taking the easy route.



Baron's article overlooks the potential benefits of incorporating AI language models like ChatGPT into educational settings. These tools can assist students in overcoming writer's block, offering suggestions and prompts that stimulate their thinking and encourage creativity. According to (Baron) "AI text-generation developments have included autocomplete for online searches and predictive texting. Enter "Was Rome" into a Google search and you're given a list of choices like "Was Rome built in a day." Type "ple" into a text message and you're offered "please" and "plenty." (Para 6) By using AI, students gain access to massive knowledge resources and can help provide a quick and easy form of research to further more increase productivity.

Baron also argues that "Grammarly and ChatGPT makes it all too easy for people to substitute ready-made technology results for opportunities to think and learn." ChatGPT robs students of motivation by providing ready-made answers. This perspective, however, undercuts AI's capacity to inspire and assist students in their writing process. In-the-moment feedback from AI-driven technologies can help students improve their work by pointing out areas that need attention. The availability of real-time support can boost students' enthusiasm and self-assurance, giving them a sense of success as they see their ideas come to life with the aid of AI.

While Baron suggests that ChatGPT inhibits critical thinking, based on her article "I asked ChatGPT whether it was a threat to humans' motivation to write. The bot's response:

"There will always be a demand for creative, original content that requires the unique perspective and insight of a human writer." (Para 19)

It is important that we recognise that AI may act as an inspiration for critical thought but it is not always a final work. AI models have the potential to introduce students to other points of view, test their theories, and encourage in-depth thought. The usage of AI can inspire students to participate in serious debates, critically assess the replies it generates, and build a more complex grasp of the subject matter, as opposed to restricting independent thought.

The need of establishing a balance between AI assistance and human connection in the educational process is ignored by Baron's criticism. AI language models such as ChatGPT or Grammarly should not take the role of instructors or discourage peer interaction; rather, they should supplement and improve the educational process. Teachers are essential in assisting students in using AI tools, stressing the value of independent thought and critical analysis while utilising AI as a tool to help and enhance students' learning processes.

Baron expresses legitimate worries regarding plagiarism and academic dishonesty brought on by the deployment of ChatGPT and other AI models. The appropriate use of AI should be emphasised by educators and institutions as per what Centennial College has been doing, should also teach students the value of correct citation and originality. Centennial has really adapted to this ongoing problem to solve plagiarism and academic dishonesty by discussing in depths the consequences of what will happen if proven to have done these things. This will help to ensure that AI is utilised as a tool for inspiration and guidance rather than as a way to speed up the learning process.


Although Naomi S. Baron's research raises significant issues regarding the possible effects of ChatGPT and other AI language models on students' motivation and independence of thought, it falls short of completely recognising the potential advantages and constructive role AI may play in education. Basing everything from a teacher's point of view diminishes some other value of ChatGpt and Grammarly. As an author it is key to find provide to find a balance in giving out positive and negative impacts of AI to students and also faculty, utilising AI tools to improve writing and thinking while placing an emphasis on the development of critical thinking, creativity, and ethical technology usage, as opposed to rejecting AI as a disadvantage. Teachers may equip students to traverse the digital era while preserving their innate drive and developing their capacity for independent thought and writing by adopting AI as a supplement to human education.

Reference no: EM133483457

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