Reference no: EM131113182
Project -
Idea: How catch market trends?
-Sample? : Take aapl data for the period of 10 years (from 1 to 11 years back from now)
1) oneyear ? aapl? data (the last year period)
2) oneyear ? goog? data (the last year period)
3) oneyear ? msft? data (the last year period)
Strategies? :
1. Crossing n1days moving average (MA) and n2days moving average (n1>n2). When n2days MA crosses n1days MA, it is an indicator for the start of upward trend, and the other way around for downward trend. You may additionally include trading volume V as a parameter. Thus, the strategy has 3 parameters to calibrate: n1, n2, V.
2. Develop your own strategies, by analysing data. Your initial strategies should contain parameters, which are calibrated to the sample data.
Project steps:
1. Calibrate both strategies to sample data.
2. Run on outofsample, and calculate the following:
a. Annual log return r
b. Standard deviation of r
c. Build histogram for daily log returns and analyze it.
d. Describe the major risk, which is your strategy is subject to?
Attachment:- Assignment.rar
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