How career planning is useful throughout ones career

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131727656

DISCUSSION 1: Attribution Theory

1. Your boss has recently heard a little about attribution theory and has asked you to explain it to him in more detail, focusing on its possible usefulness in managing your department. How do you address his request? Please make sure you indicate your department. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.

DISCUSSION 2: Career Planning

Describe how career planning is useful throughout one's career and is not just carried out during initial entry. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings

Required Resources

Text: Schermerhorn, J., Osborn, R., Uhl-Bien, M., & Hunt, J. (2012). Organizational behavior. (12th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 9780470878200

• Chapter 1: Introducing Organizational Behavior
• Chapter 2: Individual Differences, Values, and Diversity
• Chapter 3: Emotions, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction
• Chapter 4: Perception, Attribution, and Learning


Duffus, L.R. (2004). The personal strategic plan: A tool for career planning and advancement. International Journal of Management, 21(2), 144-148.Feldman, D.C. (1989). Careers in organizations: Recent trends and future directions.Journal of Management, 15(2), 135.

Use references for both discussions.

Reference no: EM131727656

Questions Cloud

What type of business organization should be created : What type of business organization should be created to achieve your objectives
Calculate the work done against pressure : If 3 moles of H2 react with 3 moles of Cl2 to form HCL, calculate the work done against pressure of 1.0 atm and 25oC. What is deltaU for this reaction?
Identify one problem from each type and explain : We assumed that a firm would recover all of the working capital it invested in a project. Is this a reasonable assumption? When might it be not valid?
Increase awareness of cultural competence : Perform an internet search on cultural competence, assumptions, biases, and stereotypes. Locate at least three peer reviewed references.
How career planning is useful throughout ones career : Describe how career planning is useful throughout one's career and is not just carried out during initial entry.
Discuss a negligence case and not a case of strict liability : In Strict Liability cases, why does the Defendant try to convince the Court that it is a Negligence case and not a case of Strict Liability
Demonstrates leadership in action : Demonstrates leadership in action; specifically, leadership that either supports the concepts of transformational leadership.
What is acceptance under formation in common law contracts : What is "acceptance" under formation in common law contracts. What are the elements of acceptance in common law contracts
How much work was done on the mass by the earth : While the mass moves downward a distance of 0.12 m, how much work was done on the mass by the Earth? Include the appropriate sign.


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