How can you use frld behaviors to engage customers in design

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131702746

The 4I's are important tools to use when you want to get not only employees but customers enthused and involved with a company's products and services.

As customer feedback has increased in importance in order for companies to stay competitive in the marketplace, so too have ways of motivating and engaging customers assumed a greater importance. In this Journal you will apply FRLD behaviors to enhance customer involvement.

How can you use FRLD behaviors to engage customers in design, product testing, enhancement ideas, using the company's Internet website?

Respond in 300 words

Reference no: EM131702746

Questions Cloud

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How can you use frld behaviors to engage customers in design : How can you use FRLD behaviors to engage customers in design, product testing, enhancement ideas, using the company's Internet website?
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