How can you help your customers avoid phishing scams

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131777813

Question 1 


A brand is:

A. the image, and graphic look of the site.

B. what people remember about your business.

C. a customer's opinion while they are on your site.

D. a logo system.

Question 2 


Phishing is:

A. data mining on other people's web sites.

B. offering customers the opportunity to give you their e-mail address.

C. a good e-mail subscription program.

D. fake e-mails looking to defraud people of their private information.

Question 3 


Which of the following is NOT a good privacy policy practice?

A. Have a privacy policy available upon request from a customer.

B. Take reasonable precautions to protect personal information.

C. Let people choose how their information is used.

D. Tell people what information a web site stores about them.

Question 4 


Non-essential promotional e-mails to customers should always have what feature?

A. Information about your company

B. An opt-out option

C. A link to your web site

D. Attached graphics

Question 5 


If you want your e-mails with images to show up without problems, then you should:

A. add images as attachments.

B. absolute reference the images on your server using the <a> tag.

C. include an opt-in option for customers.

D. encrypt the image code.

Question 6 


__________ are customers who would say they are highly concerned about how their privacy is handled.

A. Privacy fundamentalists

B. Privacy pragmatists

C. Privacy concerned students

D. Privacy unconcerned students

Question 7 


The most logical place for customers to manage privacy preferences is on:

A. the account management page.

B. the home page.

C. the privacy policy page.

D. the message board.

Question 8 


Which of the following is NOT a common phishing method?

A. Linking an open browser window without an address bar

B. Copying a branding identity of a legitimate web site

C. Breaking into people's e-mail accounts and sending out e-mails with their account

D. Using a fake web address that looks similar to a legitimate address

Question 9 


How can you help your customers avoid phishing scams?

A. You can't, phishing scams will just happen

B. Explain to your customers what they should expect from you in e-mails

C. Show them SSL connections

D. Use a single form of identification

Question 10 


Chase Bank and eBay __________ to help avoid phishing scams.

A. use only offline transactions

B. use text only e-mails

C. avoid sending e-mails

D. use personal message areas

Question 11 


During the checkout process it is wise to make sure the __________ button works so customers do not lose data.

A. back

B. checkout

C. credit payment information

D. transaction

Question 12 


During the checkout process you should limit the number of steps in the process to between:

A. 1 and 4.

B. 1 and 8.

C. 2 and 6.

D. 2 and 10.

Question 13 


When creating an account so people can sign in to your site you should collect:

A. all the information you can.

B. the minimum amount of information.

C. no sensitive information.

D. no passwords.

Question 14 


When considering the checkout process, it makes sense to ask customers __________ to make an account.

A. when they first log onto the account

B. before they get to the checkout process

C. at the beginning of the process

D. at the end of the process

Question 15 


The more sensitive the personal information your site stores:

A. the less the protection your customers need.

B. the larger your site should be.

C. the small your site should be.

D. the more protection your customers need.

Question 16 


Floating windows show customers added information while maintaining:

A. HTML code.

B. data flow.

C. context.

D. validation.

Question 17 


How should you organize your FAQ's?

A. Group related questions

B. Alphabetize your answers

C. Organize your answers in chronological order

D. Don't organize them, rely on search features

Question 18 


What is a common context sensitive help link associated with the sign in process?

A. Sign in button

B. Forgot password

C. Security options

D. Sign in name

Question 19 


Which of the following is NOT an example of a way to make forms easier for people to fill out?

A. Split long forms into multiple pages

B. Use intelligent error handling

C. Reduce the amount of typing required

D. Pre-fill the fields with arbitrary data

Question 20 


Drill down menus are useful because they:

A. auto fill fields for users.

B. allow users to pick options from a large list of options.

C. walk customers through numerous pages quickly.

D. aid in customers creating guest accounts.

Reference no: EM131777813

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