How can you ethically adapt to an audience of listeners

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133288080


1. Self Assessment Review the tips on pages 166 to 167 for getting ready to deliver your speech. Rank the suggestions in order of how much they can help you before your next speech.

2. Ethics Assessment How can you ethically adapt to an audience of listeners from many different cultures?

3. Critical Assessment Muriel, who has been a church organist for 35 years, is planning on speaking to her music club about her experiences playing the pipe organ. How would you advise Muriel to prepare for questions after her speech?

Reference no: EM133288080

Questions Cloud

Connection between low and high culture in bangladesh : Develop your answer with some references based on your practical observation of the effect/effects caused in the connection between "low and high culture".
Explain why changes in the money supply lead : Explain why changes in the money supply lead to exchange rate overshooting (causing the exchange rate to change by more in the short run than in the long run)
Conduct a review of their governance structure : List and explain all of the principles of good governance, as well as how they are specifically relevant to roles and responsibilities of a governing board
Calculate z-score for each country : Calculate Z-Score for each country. The country that has the highest score is the country that you should pursue. Identify appropriate entry mode choice
How can you ethically adapt to an audience of listeners : Ethics Assessment How can you ethically adapt to an audience of listeners from many different cultures?
How many of the afl clubs in australia have : What is the name of the term that requires a professional sport team must limit the amount of salary/wages that can be paid to its players
What are lock-outs in professional sport : What is the name of the government agency for sport at the commonwealth level within Australia and What are 'lock-outs' in professional sport
Determination of a sustainable accumulation : Determination of a sustainable accumulation of foreign debt requires economists to organize analysis in terms of trade parameters, foreign conditions
Develop a persuasive message that supports an attitude : Ethics Assessment Is it ethical to develop a persuasive message that supports an attitude or belief with which you personally disagree?


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