How can you best characterize indigenous laws

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Reference no: EM133529652


1. How can you best characterize Indigenous laws?

a.Coercive and self-imposed
b.Restorative and centralized
c.Coercive and centralized
d.Restorative and self-imposed

2. Archaeological evidence suggests that the first Indigenous peoples arrived in North America...

a.40,000 years ago
b.10,000 years ago
c.5,000 years ago
d.1,000 years ago

3. A matrilineal clan system existed within which Indigenous worldview?


4. Which of the following exemplify the goals and worldviews of Indigenous legal traditions?:

a.Admission of guilt and cooperatively agreeing on reparations
b.Separation from friends and family
c."Just desserts" approach to penalties
d.Banishment from the collective

5. Pre-colonial Indigenous laws can be characterized as:

a.Homogenous, informed by commonly-held customs and practices among groups.
b.Heterogeneous, informed by commonly-held customs and practices among groups.
c.Homogenous, informed by local customs and practices.
d.Heterogeneous, informed by local customs and practices

6. How did the merger of HBC and NWC affect Indigenous peoples:

a.Without the fierce competition, trading practices become much more elaborate
b.Allowed Indigenous trappers and hunters to make their own hours
c.Enforced stricter rules and regulations on hunting and trapping
d.Transport systems become unwieldy and hard to organize

7. When the Hudson's Bay Company first established a colony on Vancouver Island they:

a.Worked to establish relationships with the Indigenous people
b.Found little or no furs available
c.Gave little thought to the Indigenous population
d.Had a difficult time surviving on the land

8. What is the name of the Métis village at the heart of the 1885 Resistance:

a.North Battleford
c.Duck Lake
d.Red River

9. Indigenous and settler legal traditions differ in that settler laws tend to focus on:


10. Which of the following statements is true?

a.None of the above
b.Credit transactions predominated trading activities because they were compatible with Indigenous traditions.
c.Barter transactions predominated trading activities because Indigenous good were highly valued.
d.Credit transactions predominated trading activities because it was HBC policy.

11. The provision for protecting land for Indigenous peoples in the Royal Proclamation (1763) was incompatible with all of the following except:

a.A government interested in stopping the northerly expansion of the United States
b.Settlers taking land for homesteading
c.Metis adopting farming lifestyles
d.The establishment of land laws that only awarded title to agriculturalists

12. Indigenous peoples would primarily trade furs for:

a.agriculture supplies (e.g., seeds, machinery)
b.metal goods (e.g., needles, cookware, knives)
c.wood products (e.g., furniture, carts)
d.textiles (e.g., coats, blankets, socks)

13. Which explorer arrived at Taddoussac to formalize alliance with the Innu:


14. What kind of economy replaced the fur trade after its demise?

a.Railway building
b.The collecting of buffalo bone
c.Lumber industry

15. Why is the land referred to as a history book?

a.Indigenous peoples have developed powerful metaphors, symbols, and narrative traditions that express their religious and philosophical views that draw from their natural surroundings.
b.Archaeological findings give us information about how Indigenous peoples used to live on the land.
c.Because Indigenous peoples, precontact, subsisted by agriculture.
d.Because physical evidence such as petroglyphs, pictographs, and earth figures were used to record history by Indigenous peoples.

16. In order to hold wrongdoers accountable, Indigenous restorative justice requires all of the following except:

a.A description of the impact on the victim(s)
b.An admission of guilt by the wrongdoer
c.A sentencing circle to determine consequences
d.A formal, written apology

17. The Indian Act contributed to assimilation by:

a.Abolishing traditional forms of governance
b.Encouraging intermarriage
c.Limiting the roles of local elders
d.Standardizing food production

18. Wampum belts are made from:

a.Beaver pelts
b.Glass beads
c.Quahog shells
d.Porcupine quills

19. One way that Indigenous people might work toward decolonization is through the broader use of their laws within their nations. Which statement best suggests the efficacy of Indigenous law toward decolonization? Choose the best answer.

a.Based on the concept of non-interference, individuals have greater personal freedom and therefore take more ownership for the effect of their actions on the collective
b.Because Indigenous people can plead "not-guilty" they will be relieved of their responsibilities
c.When laws are in Indigenous languages, Indigenous people will have greater adherence to legal outcomes
d.Based on the concept of non-interference, individuals are not told how to act, but instead independently think through the teachings of their elders

20. The code of ethics, Maligait ("things that had to be done") is present in which Indigenous worldview?


21. Motivation for settlers to break the tenets of the Royal Proclamation did not include:

a.Desire to establish land laws
b.Desire for the Metis to adopt farming lifestyles
c.Fear of U.S. expansion northward
d.Fear of losing Indigenous traditions

22. Indigenous knowledge can be characterized as follows:

a.Focused on generating new knowledge
b.Ongoing process of knowing and learning
c.A codification of Indigenous knowledge
d.A study on the past

23. Indigenous laws are evidence for an emphasis on:

a.Punishing those who transgress the law
b.Coercing wrongdoers into behaving properly
c.Restoring relationships in the collective
d.Healing the soul

24. Which of the following statements is NOT true:

a.Storytelling is restricted to elder knowledges
b.Storytelling helps as a moral guide
c.Storytelling conveys worldview and belief systems
d.Storytelling transmits knowledge about land and culture

Reference no: EM133529652

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