How can we improve equality among genders in sierra leone

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133414166

Human Geography- Sierra Leon (country in Africa)

Research these questions for solutions (ex. like project ideas that Sierra Leone's people can take on) to improve Sierra Leone (has to be recent problems and solutions that can help NOW) (add links of websites to where you got your information from)

1. How can we improve sanitation, including clean water and better health care in Sierra Leone?

2. How can we improve equality among genders in Sierra Leone by empowering women through better education?

3. How can we solve food insecurity by implementing better agricultural practices (to switch from subsistence farming to somewhat commercial) in Sierra Leone? How can they grow more crops, and how can we implement advanced technology (machinery so less human labor)?

4. How can we create more economic opportunities for the citizens of Sierra Leone? How can they have more job opportunities?

5. How can Sierra Leon's abundance of diamonds (or other abundant recourses) help this overall situation?

6. How can we lower the risk factors of Ebola?

Reference no: EM133414166

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