Reference no: EM133256343
Bonus Case: Shaping Attitude... "How Can We Best Persuade You?"
There are 3 routes available to marketers to shape/mold a consumer's attitude: the cognitive route, affective route and conative route. While all three are possible routes for marketers to consider and utilize, one route may more effective in appealing to and meeting the unique needs of the Target Consumer for the Brand depicted in Exam Case #3 (prior case question above).
Reflect upon and choose one (1) of the consumer psychographic lifestyle personas you crafted in Exam Case #3. Determine and define the route that would be most effective to shape the attitude of that persona AND explain why that would be the case (i.e., your rationale). Then brainstorm a specific marketing application scenario for the Brand depicted in Exam Case #3 (prior case question above) that demonstrates that attitude shaping route being used effectively with the Target Consumer Persona. Use the framework provided below to answer:
Part 1: Persona Description Statement (from Exam Case #3):
Part 2: Best Attitude Shaping Route for that Specific Persona:
Part 3: Definition of that Shaping Route:
Part 4: Rationale (Explanation) for Why that Attitude Shaping Route Would Be Effective for that Specific Persona:
Part 5: Marketing Application for the Brand in Exam Case #3 with the Attitude Shaping Route in Action with that Specific Target Persona: