How can we balance individual rights and still protect

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Reference no: EM133509936

Question: The USA Patriot Act includes a number of tools used to monitor, search, and prosecute suspects in the war on terror. These tools include roving wiretaps, "sneak-and-peak" search warrants, "lone-wolf terrorists", and the business record provision. Roving wiretaps allow surveillance of individuals rather than devices. In light of these new tools in the government's counterintelligence arsenal, how can we balance individual rights and still protect the U.S. from terrorist attack? Discuss whether you think the balance has shifted too far or not far enough toward security to the detriment of individual liberties? Identify which provisions of The Patriot Act are most problematic?

Reference no: EM133509936

Questions Cloud

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When developing your goals and objectives : In this practicum experience, when developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep assessment and diagnostic reasoning in mind.


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