Reference no: EM133825772
Assignment: Fitness
Topic the impact of Pilates on core strength, flexibility and overall well being in developing a healthy lifestyle
Length: 2000 words.
A. Introduction
1. Define topic
2. State the purpose of the paper
3. Describe the basic relation to fitness, health, wellness, longevity
4. Brief overview of key points you will expand on
a. Key point 1: why is this topic important
b. Key point 2: benefits of the topic
c. Key point 3: reflection and self-assessment
d. Key point 4: connections to experience
B. Background
1. Detailed description of topic (cite the findings from your sources to support claims)
2. Anatomy, physiology, biology, biomechanics of topic
C. Why is this topic important?
1. Describe in detail why it is important
D. Benefits of the Topic
1. What is the primary benefit of the topic? Get the instant assignment help.
2. How does it affect other areas of health/wellness?
a. Physical, social, psychological, emotional, spiritual etc.
3. Describe any potential negative effects of the topic
E. Reflection and Self-Assessment
1. How will this impact the life of others?
2. How can this be implemented into someone's life?
3. How do you plan on using this information in your own life?
F. Connections to Experience
1. How does this topic relate to your participation in activities/events outside of the classroom?
G. References