How can the team change their behaviour to better support

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Reference no: EM132370290



Answer all the following questions

Read the following scenario. Answer Questions 1 – 5.


You are a supervisor at a small catering company. Management has recently hired a new waitress to join your team. Maria has moved from Indonesia and although she is quite proficient at speaking English, she regularly gets confused when other members of the wait staff use slang such as “brekkie” and “arvo”. Some of the waiters laugh at Maria when she mispronounces words or doesn’t understand specific instructions. This behaviour causes her to feel excluded from the work team and humiliated.


How are key principles of fairness and equity being ignored in this scenario? Explain why the employees’ treatment of Maria is harassment. (20 - 40 words)


What is Equal Employment Opportunity legislation and how does it apply to this scenario? (20 - 40 words)


How can the team change their behaviour to better support and respect Maria? (20 - 30 words)


What strategies can the team employ to overcome any language barriers that exist with Maria and effectively communicate work instructions? (20 - 30 words)


Describe 3 sources of assistance or information that can help the team to develop their communication with Maria and any future employees who speak English as a second language. (20 - 30 words)

Read the following scenario. Answer Questions 6 – 10.


You are working at a restaurant when a customer who has a vision impairment enters the establishment with her guide dog. A young waiter comes over to you and asks if he should tell the customer to leave her dog outside. He is a teenager who has not been working in  hospitality for a very long time and has little experience assisting customers who have a disability. He also has minimal knowledge in regards to anti-discrimination legislation.


How can you explain to the young waiter why it is important to recognise diversity and offer appropriate assistance? (20 - 30 words)


Which aspects of anti-discrimination legislation apply to this scenario? Why is it necessary for the young waiter to have a general understanding of anti-discrimination legislation when working in the TH&E industry? (30 - 40 words)


What advice can you give the young waiter to better assist this customer? (20 - 30 words)


Describe 3 other considerations you need to make the young waiter aware of when assisting guests with disabilities generally.


How can the restaurant ensure new and existing employees are informed in regards to culturally and socially inclusive work practices in the future? (20 - 30 words)

Read the following scenario. Answer Questions 11 – 16.


You work at a large hotel in a socially diverse team. The reception team is made up of Fathima, a 20-year-old Muslim woman born in Australia who loves art; Charlie, a 33-year-old Buddhist from India who loves to play soccer on the weekend; and yourself. Sam, a 20-year-old Indigenous Australian from Queensland, is one of the porters. Cheryl, the accounts manager, is Jewish and has three young grandchildren who she often helps to babysit. Each team member has their own background and customs.


In order for your team to work together productively, it is necessary to embrace multiculturalism. Describe multiculturalism and the four distinct principles that make up Australia’s national multiculturalism policy and need to be applied at the hotel. (30 - 50 words)


Charlie has been getting frustrated at work, as Fathima prays 5 times daily as part of her religious practices and this sometimes leaves Charlie at reception by himself during peak times. Charlie knows little about Islam. He has complained to you when you have worked with him, and made jokes about Fathima. What social and cultural issues might be causing this conflict? (20 - 30 words).


You feel unsure as to what to do about the conflict between Charlie and Fathima. What are your responsibilities as a fellow team member in this situation? (30 - 40 words).


Describe the steps that can be taken by management to ensure that this cross-cultural misunderstanding between Charlie and Fathima is managed before it escalates.


It is important to respect and understand your colleagues’ varying cultural backgrounds in order to work well as a team. What beliefs may be part of Sam’s cultural background as an Indigenous Australian? What would be the possible cultural requirements and provisions for Sam at work?


What is You’re helping to organise the hotel’s end-of-year party. What religious dietary considerations do you need to take into account for each of your colleagues identified in this scenario? (30 – 40 words)

Read the following scenario. Answer Questions 17 – 20.


You have recently been employed at a hotel that regularly hosts large tour and business groups from overseas. Your hotel has a diverse customer base, all with different needs. You notice a young Japanese man looking stressed in the foyer of the hotel. He has been separated from his colleagues.

You know that his colleagues are in the conference room, but cannot speak Japanese. You know that an interpreter is travelling with the group, and is also in the conference room. You approach the man to offer assistance.


What protocols should you follow when greeting and communicating with the young man? (20 - 30 words)


The gentleman speaks minimal English. How can you effectively communicate the location of his colleagues to the young man without causing confusion? (20 - 30 words)


If you are unable to assist the gentleman, who can you contact for help? (20 - 30 words)


How can you better prepare yourself to assist tour groups from a diverse range of backgrounds in the future? (20 - 30 words)


What are some of the potential benefits of a socially diverse workplace? (30 - 50 words)


Describe 5 differences in employee backgrounds that may give rise to conflicts or misunderstandings in the workplace.


Provide 5 examples of harassing behaviour which is not acceptable in any workplace.


Provide 5 examples of issues that you may need to assist international tourists with while working in the TH&E industry.


Provide 5 examples of factors that are the basis for discrimination.

Your Task

Go to the following website at “the human rights commission” relating to discrimination acts

Answer the following question.


Briefly explain the purpose of each of the following acts: (10 - 20 words each)

• Age Discrimination Act 2004

• Disability Discrimination Act 1992

• Racial Discrimination Act 1975

• Sex Discrimination Act 1984



Students are required to respond to a case study and scenarios based on The Naja Group of Colleges’ Campus Cafeterias. Students are presented with three (3) scenarios / situations to demonstrate their ability to perform tasks outlined in the Elements and Performance Criteria of this unit and:

• communicate in a non-discriminatory way with colleagues and customers from at least three different social and cultural groups:

o demonstrating attempts to overcome language barriers

o communicating in line with appropriate social and cultural conventions

o demonstrating respect and sensitivity

• identify when assistance is required in the above communication, and seek help using the appropriate channels.


• The Naja Group of Colleges case study, including:

o Background information

o Organisational structure

o Vision, Mission and Objectives

o Scenarios

• NGC Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

• Race Discrimination Factsheet.

• Access Anti-Discrimination Legislation on the following “Australian Human Rights Commission”

The Naja Group of Colleges


The Naja Group of Colleges ( NGC ) is an educational institution providing Vocational Education and Training in five ( 5 ) campuses across Australia:

New South Wales:

• North Sydney Campus

• Norwest Business Park Campus

Australian Capital Territory:

• Canberra Campus

South Australia:

• Adelaide Campus

Western Australia:

• Perth Campus

The NGC employs 57 people to deliver four ( 4 ) business stream courses as well as three ( 3 ) accounting stream courses to more than 3,000 students each year.


1. To provide continuing education and re-entry to education options for local students who have completed the compulsory years of schooling.

2. To provide university entrance programs to international students.

The Naja Group of Colleges is one of the Department of Education’s largest provider of students to university. Approximately 350 to 400 NGC students gain entry to university each year.


• Outstanding Student Experience

• Strong Industry Relationships and Partnerships

• Sustainability, Capability and Capacity

• Community and Social Responsibility

• Growing our Business


The Naja Group of Colleges expanded their business model to introduce quality cafeterias to their campuses as part of our continued efforts to give our students an exceptional experience.

The cafeteria offer all-you-can eat premiere offerings for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We know students, and staff have busy schedules and fast-paced lives but want more than fast food. We believe convenience means providing unlimited all-day access to nutritious home-cooked meals. That is why the Naja Group of Colleges' all-you-care-to-eat cafeteria is open 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. seven days a week.

The Naja Group of Colleges' cafeteria offers a variety of delicious home-cooked meals at modern self-serve stations.

The Naja Group of Colleges' cafeteria at each of our campuses are designed to cater for up to 100 patrons at any given time. Students and staff have the option to book table online via the Colleges' website.


Undertake a role play

For this task, you are to engage with another co-worker in a conversation over a planned celebration get-together organised by the manager of The Naja Group of Colleges’ North Sydney Campus Cafeteria.

Participants: 2

You (the student) are employed at The Naja Group of Colleges’ North Sydney Campus Cafeteria. The cafeteria has been booked for Christmas functions every day for the last two weeks. It is Thursday evening, and tonight is the last function for the year.

The manager is aware of the hard work everyone put in over the last couple of weeks, so she sends an invitation by email to everyone to celebrate the accomplishment after work the following day, Friday. People are delighted - except Philip. He says he will not be able to go.

You are to participate in this roleplay with one other fellow class mate.

Having completed the role play, you are to take 10 minutes to discuss the situation the both of you were in.

You are to determine, and note down on a piece of paper:

• The Key Issue/s,

• The Implication/s,

• What should have been done to avoid the situation?

You are to swap roles and replay the same situation in light of the discussion that took place before.

Instructions for the role play:

• You are to engage with another co-worker in a conversation over a planned celebration get-together organised by the manager of The Naja Group of Colleges’ North Sydney Campus Cafeteria, as specified above.

• You are to follow instructions your Trainer / Assessor will give you.

• You are not to share the information with other role play participant.

• The role play should take between 5 and 10 minutes.


• Philip - Student 1

• Co-worker – Student 2 / Trainer Assessor

Participate in the role play with your fellow class mate.

Your Trainer / Assessor will document this activity and will use the list below as the criteria to assess you.

They want to see that you are able to:

• Respect customers and colleagues from different social and cultural groups and treat them with respect and sensitivity.

• Consider social and cultural differences in all verbal and non-verbal communication.

• Respond to others in a non-discriminatory way.

• Identify social and cultural issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace.

• Consider social and cultural differences when difficulties or misunderstandings occur.

• Make efforts to resolve misunderstandings, taking account of social and cultural considerations.

• understand workplace anti-discrimination policies and plain English documents produced by government information agencies.

• discuss cross-cultural misunderstandings and difficulties with supervisors, managers and other team members and identify possible strategies to resolve them.

• communicate in a non-discriminatory way with colleagues and customers from different social and cultural groups:

o communicating in line with appropriate social and cultural conventions

o demonstrating respect and sensitivity

Your assessor will be looking for:

Before you hand in, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information. I have:

• A document (250 - 300 words), outlining:

o The Key Issue/s,

o The Implication/s,

o What should have been done to avoid the situation?

• This is a group activity. The document you are to submit must be the combined effort of the two participants who conducted the role play. Make sure the document you submit clearly identifies you as well as the participant that you performed the role play with.


Undertake a role play

For this task, you are to engage with a co-worker in a conversation over the organisation’s policy on personal grooming.

Participants: 2

You (the students) are employed at The Naja Group of Colleges’ Norwest Business Park Campus Cafeteria.

Charanjeet Singh, a Sikh employee was hired not long ago by the previous manager at the Norwest Business Park Campus Cafeteria. When Charanjeet was hired, neither he nor the manager at the time knew the organisation’s policy that prohibited facial hair when handling, preparing or serving food.

You are to participate in this roleplay with one other fellow class mate.

Having completed the role play, you are to take 10 minutes to discuss the situation the both of you were in.

You are to determine, and note down on a piece of paper:

• The Key Issue/s,

• The Implication/s,

• What should have been done to avoid the situation?

You are to swap roles and replay the same situation in light of the discussion that took place before

Instructions for the role play:

• You are to engage with another co-worker in a conversation over the organisation’s policy regarding personal grooming, as specified above.

• You are to follow instructions your Trainer / Assessor will give you.

• You are not to share the information with other role play participant.

• The role play should take between 5 and 10 minutes.


• Charanjeet Singh - Student 1

• Charanjeet Sing’s New Manager – Student 2 / Trainer Assessor

Participate in the role play with your fellow class mate.

Your Trainer / Assessor will document this activity and will use the list below as the criteria to assess you.

They want to see that you are able to:

• Respect customers and colleagues from different social and cultural groups and treat them with respect and sensitivity.

• Consider social and cultural differences in all verbal and non-verbal communication.

• Respond to others in a non-discriminatory way.

• Identify social and cultural issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace.

• Consider social and cultural differences when difficulties or misunderstandings occur.

• Make efforts to resolve misunderstandings, taking account of social and cultural considerations.

• understand workplace anti-discrimination policies and plain English documents produced by government information agencies.

• discuss cross-cultural misunderstandings and difficulties with supervisors, managers and other team members and identify possible strategies to resolve them.

• communicate in a non-discriminatory way with colleagues and customers from different social and cultural groups:

o communicating in line with appropriate social and cultural conventions

o demonstrating respect and sensitivity

Your assessor will be looking for:

• A document (250 - 300 words), outlining:

o The Key Issue/s,

o The Implication/s,

o What should have been done to avoid the situation?

• This is a group activity. The document you are to submit must be the combined effort of the two participants who conducted the role play. Make sure the document you submit clearly identifies you as well as the participant that you performed the role play with.


Undertake a role play

For this task, you are to participate in a role play where a customer is placing an order of a pizza.

Participants: 2

A new batch of overseas students arrived just yesterday to study Elementary English at The Naja Group of Colleges’ Norwest Business Park Campus.

One of the students from the new batch, called Dae-Jung, comes in to the cafeteria to get some lunch. After staring at the menu board for a while, Dae-Jung walks up to the counter with a big friendly smile, points at the pizza on the menu board and says:

“Pizza please.”

You are to participate in this roleplay with one other fellow class mate.

Having completed the role play, you are to take 10 minutes to discuss the situation the both of you were in.

You are to determine, and note down on a piece of paper:

• The Key Issue/s,

• The Implication/s,

• What should have been done to avoid the situation? (e.g. speak slower, no jargon, remain

You are to swap roles and replay the same situation in light of the discussion that took place.

It was a big struggle to take the order from the newly arrived overseas student. Even after calling another staff member (your Trainer / Assessor), the best you could do was draw things on a piece of paper and use sign language, as you were not even sure which language the student spoke.

So you think to yourself that given the nature of the work – that is being a college catering to overseas students, a situation like this will be very frequent. So, there needs to be a solution.

You are to:

• Contact The Naja Group of Colleges’ Head Office to explain the situation that occurred with the student ordering the pizza and suggest possible solutions. You are to explain to head office:

o The situation that occurred,

o The Key Issue/s,

o The Implication/s,

o What should have been done to avoid the situation? (e.g. speak slower, no jargon, remain respectful, seek help from some one else, etc.)

o Seek help as this situation is likely to occur again,

o Recommend / suggest solutions.

Instructions for the role play:

• You are to participate in a role play where a customer is placing an order of a pizza, as specified above.

• You are to follow instructions your Trainer / Assessor will give you.

• You are not to share the information with other role play participant.

• The role play should take between 5 and 10 minutes.


• Dae-Jung - Student 1

• Customer Service Representative - Student 2 / Trainer Assessor

• Participate in the role play with your fellow class mate.

Your Trainer / Assessor will document this activity and will use the list below as the criteria to assess you.

They want to see that you are able to:

• Respect customers and colleagues from different social and cultural groups and treat them with respect and sensitivity.

• Consider social and cultural differences in all verbal and non-verbal communication.

• Respond to others in a non-discriminatory way.

• Make attempts to overcome language barriers.

• Seek help with communication when necessary.

• Identify social and cultural issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace.

• Address difficulties and seek assistance from others when necessary.

• Consider social and cultural differences when difficulties or misunderstandings occur.

• Make efforts to resolve misunderstandings, taking account of social and cultural considerations.

• Escalate problems and unresolved issues to appropriate supervisor or manager for followup.

• understand workplace anti-discrimination policies and plain English documents produced by government information agencies.

• discuss cross-cultural misunderstandings and difficulties with supervisors, managers and other team members and identify possible strategies to resolve them.

• communicate in a non-discriminatory way with colleagues and customers from different social and cultural groups:

o demonstrating attempts to overcome language barriers

o communicating in line with appropriate social and cultural conventions

o demonstrating respect and sensitivity

• identify when assistance is required in the above communication, and seek help using the appropriate channels.

Attachment:- Assessment Appendix.rar

Reference no: EM132370290

Questions Cloud

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Analyze the presence of ethical principles : Analyze the presence of ethical principles throughout your proposed program. Explain the benefits of a proposed program
How can the team change their behaviour to better support : Apex Institute of Education-SITXCOM002 Show social and cultural sensitivity-Victoria University-Australia-How can the team change their behaviour to better.
Provide a visual to show how you would improve it : In interview scenarios, the common kind of 'test' comes in the form of (i) asking you to comment on an existing/given visualisation
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How does health insurance impact healthcare delivery : How does health insurance impact healthcare delivery? What is the government's role in healthcare? How does the government impact healthcare organizations?
Why anxiety disorders align more with learning theories : Question - Explain why anxiety disorders align more with learning theories such as classical and operant conditioning


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