Reference no: EM131378471 , Length: 30
Provide leadership across the organisation Learner Workbook Activities
Activity 1A -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to clarify objectives, values and standards in accordance with organisation's strategic direction.
Activity: In teams, or as directed by your instructor, define or indicate if your organisation has readily identifiable objectives, values and standards and they are part of the organisation's strategic direction?
Activity 1B -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to establish linkages between organisational objectives, values and standards and the responsibilities of relevant groups and individuals; and ensure media and language used is appropriate to individuals and group circumstances.
Activity: Using workplace examples, in teams or as directed by the instructor, complete the following:
Identify linkages between organisational objectives, values and standards and the responsibilities needed.
Reference the agreed policy or procedure in place for delivering this.
Detail any specifications in place for the relevant media and language used.
Detail any methods used to validate the receipt or understanding of the message.
Activity 1C -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to state clear expectations of internal groups and individuals and explain in a manner which builds commitment to the organisation.
Activity: What is the importance of stating clear expectations of internal groups and individuals?
How would you explain the expectations, in a manner which builds commitment to the organisation?
Activity 1D -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to address expectations of the organisation.
Activity: In teams, or as directed by the instructor, provide expectations and issues involved for the examples provided below.
What are the issues/expectations?
Environmental management
Occupational health and safety
Product safety
Values and ethics
Activity 1E -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to investigate incidents promptly and communicate results clearly to relevant groups and individuals.
Activity: In teams, or as directed by the instructor, explain your views or provide examples from your workplace on communicating results of incidents to relevant groups and individuals.
Who needs this information? Relevant groups and individuals.
What is the information that needs to be communicated to relevant groups and individuals?
How can the incident be communicated to other staff?
What limitations may exist for communicating to relevant groups and individuals?
Activity 2A -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to build trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and individuals through positive role modelling and effective communication and consultation.
Activity: In groups, or as directed by the instructor, complete the following: Reflect on your workplace for examples or reference.
Suggested area
Your comments or suggestions
What examples are there of a culture of trust, confidence and respect with communication from appropriate workplace senior management?
What are some examples of positive role modelling existing in your organisation?
What examples are there to explain what effective communication is?
Are all forms of communications suitable for diverse groups if they are relevant to your workplace?
Activity 2B -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to embrace, resource and effectively implement improvements to organisational and workplace culture; and demonstrate understanding of the global environment and new technology in work activities.
Activity: Describe in your own words what you understand by the term 'globalisation' as it applies to this element question?
What are some examples of new technology in your work processes that you can identify?
What are some of the benefits and potential challenges facing your organisation as a result of globalisation?
Describe the challenges to your organisations resulting from globalisation.
Activity 2C -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to ensure actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change and accessibility.
Activity: Detail examples from your workplace of actions conveying flexibility.
Detail examples from your workplace of actions conveying adaptability.
Detail examples from your workplace of actions conveying accessibility.
Activity 2D -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to ensure consultation and participation in decision making occurs with relevant groups and individuals where appropriate.
Activity: In groups, or as directed by the instructor, detail a variety of leadership roles or actions that you would consider require consultation and participation in the decision making.
Describe who may be the relevant groups or individuals involved.
- Your details may include assessments, observations, questioning or evidence gathered from the workplace.
- Draw on your workplace for examples, or as directed by the instructor.
Activity 2E -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to ensure decision making takes into account needs and expectations of both internal and external groups; and ensure decision making occurs in accordance with risk management plans for all options, and within appropriate timeframes.
Activity: In groups, or as directed by the instructor, complete a SWOT analysis of an example from your workplace of leadership decision making where you have encountered or have knowledge of:
- The needs and expectations of both internal and external groups
- Risk management plans for the decision made
What is the workplace example of the leadership or management decision that was made?
Activity 2F -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to ensure that the organisation is represented positively in the media and community.
Activity: In teams/groups or as directed by the instructor, consider an example from your workplace of an important decision announcement and detail what undertakings were employed to ensure that your organisation was represented positively in the media and community.
What example of an important announcement are you using?
Detail the media undertakings.
Activity 3A -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to assign accountabilities and responsibilities to teams consistent with their competencies and operational plans.
Activity: Job roles/descriptions and specifications. Does your organisation have a standard job or position description/specification template?
Describe/discuss your organizations template and its features.
Describe /discuss an example template.
Activity 3B -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to ensure teams are resourced to allow them to achieve their objectives; and empower teams and individuals through effective delegation and support for their initiatives.
Activity: How can you ensure teams are well resourced?
What does delegation mean and involve?
Activity 3C -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to create and maintain a positive work environment; and encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to the performance of work environment.
Activity: Using your own workplace analysis and knowledge, review the key elements that make up your team. These key elements may be of an internal nature or relate to external factors.
Using Tuckman's of team development, what stage do you think your team is at and why?
Activity 4A -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to model ethical conduct in all areas of work and encourage others to adopt business ethics.
Activity: In groups, or as directed by the instructor, describe the following using your workplace as an example or reference.
Identify the following:
- Ethical investment made by your organisation and what that represents to you?
- Ethical training programmes.
- Codes of conduct with particular reference to the increasing diversity in the workplace.
Activity 4B -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to adapt appropriate interpersonal and leadership styles to meet particular circumstances and situations.
Activity: In groups, or as directed by the instructor, detail your understanding of the following leadership styles, and using examples from your workplace, give examples where these qualities have met particular circumstances and situations.
Leadership styles
- Conceptual
- Participative
- Behavioural
- Delegating
- Directive
- Authoritative
Activity 2C -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to set and achieve personal objectives and work program outcomes; ensure self-performance and professional competence is continuously improved through engagement in a range of professional development activities; and participate regularly in industry/professional networks and groups.
Activity: To achieve your personal objectives what are the conditions you would need to allow or provide for?
Which resources would you need and would you need to get them externally of your organisation?
What skills would you need or develop to set and achieve these personal objectives?
What knowledge should you acquire?
Is there anything significant such as milestones which you should achieve before you can reach your personal objectives or goals?
Complete the self-assessment table: my leadership over the past 12 months.
Some examples of assessment
Do well
I clarify roles and responsibilities
I define priorities for our organization
I make planning strategically a high priority
I understand the ethical responsibility that comes with leadership
I align the efforts of individuals and teams with the organisation vision, values, and objectives
I deal with issues and concerns promptly
I regularly build team spirit and morale and get results
I consider and offer development challenges.
I work diligently and selflessly to achieve organisational goals for performance, quality, service, profit, and corporate responsibility
What is your networking purpose?
What are the networking opportunities?
Skills and Knowledge Activity -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
Activity: Complete the following individually and attach your completed work to your workbook.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
- Learning
- Reading
- Writing
- Oral communication
- Navigate the world of work
- Interact with others
- Get the work done
- Business ethics and their application to leadership
- Leadership styles and their application in supporting the organisation's mission, objectives and values
- Impact of legislation in providing leadership in the organisation
- Organisation's mission, purpose and values
- Organisation objectives, plans and strategies
- Organisational change processes
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
1. Why are interpersonal skills important in a leadership role?
2. How can you encourage participation through your leadership?
3. What are the benefits of networking?
4. How can you ensure you get the most out of your networking event?
5. What risks do you need to be aware of/plan for at work choose an example relating to your workplace? List the possible consequences and explain how you can limit the risk.
Major Activity -
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.
Activity: This is a major activity - your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.
Attach your completed answers to the workbook.
You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of each element:
- Communicate organisational mission and goals
- Influence groups and individuals
- Build and support teams
- Demonstrate personal and professional competence
1. How can you communicate your organisation's mission and goals?
2. Why is it important, as a leader, to be able to influence groups and individuals?
3. What is involved in building a team?
4. What can you do to support a team?
5. How can you demonstrate personal and professional competence?