How can the coca-cola company leverage its strengths

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131678031

Module- Case Assignment: STRATEGIC CHOICES


The Case in this course is an ongoing exercise, meaning that we will continue to review one company over the course of our four modules. In Module 3, we will be conducting a strategic analysis of the Coca-Cola Company.

Specifically, the Module 3 Case requires that identify the primary business strategy employed by the Coca-Cola Company. You will also be providing a critical, written analysis evaluating that strategy in the context of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified in Module 2.

Required Reading

Refer to the required and optional readings related to strategic choices, the theme of Module 3.

Case Assignment

In a 6- to 8-page paper, respond to the following:

1. Which of the four generic (Porter) strategies does the Coca-Cola Company follow, and how do you know?

2. Integrate the strategy you've identified above with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified in Module 2 (this exercise should provide you with some specific actions the company should be taking relative to its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These actions are referred to as "strategic choices"). Do the Coca-Cola Company's strategic choices align with the firm's generic strategy? If not, what are the specific points of disconnect? Think critically about this step, as no company achieves perfect alignment of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with its chosen strategy. As the MBA, it is your job to uncover the discrepancies and problems.

3. How can the Coca-Cola Company leverage its strengths and shore up its weaknesses by altering its strategic choices? How can the company take advantage of environmental opportunities and minimize environmental threats by altering its strategic choices? Be specific.

4. Complete the paper by commenting on how your view of the Coca-Cola Company's vision and mission has changed or has been reconfirmed by this process of strategic analysis. Would you make any suggestions to revise the company's vision, mission, or values statements, or to any of its goals/objectives?

5. Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as the Coca-Cola Company's consultant. This is a professional document. Follow the format below:

o Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the main points, conclusions, and recommendations made in the longer report. If you would like a refresher on writing an executive summary, check this website:

o Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it.

o Main Body: The "meat" of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with headings.

o Conclusion: Summarize your paper in light of your thesis statement.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric.

Tips and Suggestions

• Business school case-study assignments are meant to offer practice opportunities for future businesspeople who are earning their MBA degrees. Consider yourself a consultant hired by the company to make these critical assessments. There are no right or wrong answers to the Case question, as long as your position is well defended.

• Study the theoretical concepts provided in the Background materials section of the module, and identify main strategy concepts.

• Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-8 pages of analysis described above.

• Include section headings as appropriate.

• Cite and reference all sources, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for information you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources.

• Follow TUI Guidelines for Well-Written Papers..

• Submit your analysis by the end of this module.



In Module 3, you will use CVP analysis to inform the pricing of your 3 products.


You've now completed SLP2, and it the date is (once again) January 1, 2016.

You turn on the TV, and once again, the local television news anchor is talking about events that occurred on January 1, 2012.

Your decision-making process will be different this time, as you will be using CVP analysis, a technique with which you recently became familiar.

You analyze the results of the decisions you made in SLP2. But this time, you aim to improve your Final Total Score by using the CVP

Calculator to help you determine a new and improved strategy.

You analyze your SLP2 results using CVP and develop your complete four-year strategy, again taking notes, documenting your reasoning.

You finish the report that shows your revised strategy for the next four years.

Do not run the simulation yet! Simply turn in your written report.

Session Long Project

Write a 6- to 7-page paper, not including cover and reference pages, in which you use the results from SLP2 and CVP analysis to develop a revised strategy.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered and taken into account in preparing your paper include:

1. The revised strategy consists of the Prices, R&D Allocation %, and any product discontinuations for the X5, X6, and X7 tablets for each of the four years: 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

2. You must present a rational justification for this strategy. In other words, you must provide clear and logical support for your proposed strategy using financial analysis and relevant business theories.

3. Use the CVP Calculator and review the PowerPoint that explains CVP and provides some examples.

4. You need to crunch some numbers (CVP Analysis) to help you determine your prices and R&D allocations.

5. Make sure all of your proposed changes are firmly grounded in CVP analysis, on the financial and market data provided you, and on sound business principles.

6. Present your analysis professionally, making strategic use of tables, charts, and graphs.

• Time Line Summary:


• 2015: Hired on December 15.
• Turned first report in to Sally on December 30th.


• Time Warp 1 begins: January 1, 2016 warps into January 1, 2012.
• You realize you have to make decisions for 2012 - 2015, which you do.
• December 31, 2015 - You have gone through all four years, and you write your report to summarize how you did.


• Despite your efforts in SLP2, you are once again taken back to January 1, 2012. You decide to use CVP analysis to revise the four-year plan you developed in SLP2. You analyze the results of your decisions from SLP2, taking detailed notes. You use the CVP Calculator to help develop your revised strategy, taking additional notes explaining the logic your decisions.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric.

Tips and Suggestions

Please note the following tips and suggestions:

You might find these downloads and readings useful:

Rehman, A. (2014). Cost-Volume-Profit relationship (CVP Analysis). Accounting for Management.

Decision Matrix Table - Download this Word doc with a blank table you can use to show your proposed strategy decisions.

PowerPoint discussing CVP - Provides a good overview of Cost Volume Profit analysis, the various equations that you can use, and how to use it. Some examples are provided showing how to use the CVP Calculator.

CVP Calculator- This an Excel-based calculator that you can use to determine prices, volumes, and profits. Keep in mind that it will tell you what need, but the market determines what you actually get.

• Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-7 pages of analysis described above.

• Use section headings as appropriate. Use graphs, charts, or figures strategically - but not as "space fillers."

• Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources.

• Follow TUI Guidelines for well-written papers.

Reference no: EM131678031

Questions Cloud

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How can the coca-cola company leverage its strengths : Case Assignment: STRATEGIC CHOICES- How can the Coca-Cola Company leverage its strengths and shore up its weaknesses by altering its strategic choices?
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Identify and describe areas within the organization : Identify and describe areas within the organization impacted by the project.Summarize in 3 paragraphs your approach to the project.
Plankton blooms are harmful to other organisms : What types of plankton blooms are harmful to other organisms? Discuss the plankton responsible and how it affects other organisms. Give specific examples.
Write out a general algorithm for answering queries of form : Write out a general algorithm for answering queries of the form P(Causele), using a naive Bayes distribution. You should assume that the evidence e may assign.


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