Reference no: EM131706341
Answer the following questions in *Essay and APA format*
Include citations & references, cover page with the title of work
Chapter 9 (Feminist Criminology) and Chapter 10 (Peacemaking Criminology)
Book: Moyer, I. L. (2001). Criminological theories: Traditional and nontraditional voices and themes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
1. In the history of feminist criminology, distinguish among the following: liberal feminists; Marxist feminists; radical feminists. How have these three overwhelmingly "white" feminisms gradually joined with that of women of color to analyze the triple oppression of race, class, and gender?
2. Discuss how negative stereotypes of race/ethnicity, class, and gender are reflected in the criminal justice system. How can racism in the system be reduced or at least combated?
3. Summarize the cultural and historical background for peacemaking in criminology as found in the perspectives of Mahatma Gandi, Jane Addams, and Martin Luther King, Jr. What is the significance of nonviolent protest, especially for Gandi and King?