Reference no: EM131815475
Assignment: Promoting Cognitive Development
You will complete this assignment based on the readings, discussion board topics, presentations, and research related to the content of the course. You will use 5 promptsbelow and do the following:
• Write a response of at least 350 words (1-1½ pages, double-spaced) for each prompt you select (note that the word count is for each answer, not all 5 answers combined).
• Include:
o A cover page
o In-text citations in the body of the paper in current APA format
o A reference list at the end of the paper that includes all sources cited in the paper in current APA format.
• Retype or copy/paste prompt before answering.
1. Analize the benefits and limitations of embedded instruction on the leaning of various academic, social and communication behaviors on students with autism. (Chapter three)
2. Describe in detail an evidence based strategy to teach a student with ASD daily living skills
3. Describe/Summarize key research findings on effective instructions and intervention for students with ASD in reading, writing and mathematics and explain how these strategies can be implemented.
4. How can play materials be adapted to increase engagement and functional use for young children with ASD.
5. Explain how categories of assistive technology are identified based upon the seven areas of human function.
As you have learned in your readings, Piaget, Erikson, Skinner, and Vygotsky took different approaches to child development. One's theoretical perspective influences approaches to child development. The Jacksons are a young couple living in Centervale. They have approached Keith, the child development consultant, for advice on how to promote and nurture the cognitive development of their preschooler Jasmine.
Watch the following video to learn more about the similarities and differences of developmental theories. Study of the Child: Theories of Development I, produced by Herzog, Milan & Herzog, Shanta (Learning Seed, 1997), 29:02 mins obtained from Alexander Street Press Education in Video from AUO Library.
Compare and contrast the approaches of each of the four perspectives (Piaget, Erikson, Skinner, and Vygotsky).
Explain how each theorist would approach the issue of cognitive development in early childhood. Describe how Keith's advice to Jasmine's parents might vary depending on his theoretical perspective.
What role would society and family play in Jasmine's cognitive development at this stage of development? What cultural, psychosocial and physical influences will be seen?
Incorporate information learned in your readings and at least one peer-reviewed* article from the AUO library to support your conclusions.
* Peer reviewed means an article from a reputable journal, which can be found in the library. Peer reviewed indicates that other professionals in the field have reviewed and deemed it worthy of publication, in contrast to much if what we find online: someone posting something they want, without someone else verifying that their methods were rigorous enough and the study is valid. Use your book and course lectures as your primary resources, as well as articles from our library. If you must supplement from a website, do NOT use .coms. Instead, look for .org, .gov, and sometimes .edu for more reputable sources. Never use Wikipedia or
Write a 6-7 page paper in Word format. Be sure to include introductory and concluding paragraphs in your paper, a title page and a reference page. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.