How can partnerships enhance the performance of supply chain

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131902839


Objective: Write an essay to examine the impact of applying a systems thinking approach to supply chain management

Introduction: In this essay, you will synthesize your learning from this lesson by exploring the methodology of systems thinking in relation to global supply chain management. You will identify some of the values, risks and challenges associated with global supply chain management and describe how a systems thinking approach can minimize the risks and challenges. You will also examine the impact of global sourcing on a manufacturing environment and how it creates value for an organization but can also cause issues. Your essay will also describe the concept of partnerships in a supply chain and explore how these partnerships can both help or hinder operational performance. Lastly, you will discuss how customers, both internal and external, play a role in the supply chain system and why it is vital to an organization's success to ensure that their needs are consistently met.

Deliverables: The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 750 words that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format ( A minimum of three sources must be cited in-text and in the Reference list.

Activity Details:

Step 1: Read the following questions and use what you have learned about this lesson's objective to summarize your responses.


-What is systems thinking and how does it relate to global supply chain management?

-What are the values, risks and challenges associated with global supply chain management, and how can a systems thinking approach minimize the risks and challenges?

-How does global sourcing impact a manufacturing environment and how does it create value for the organization?

-How can partnerships enhance the performance of a supply chain?

-How do customers, both internal and external, play a role in the supply chain system, and why is it vital to an organization's success to ensure that their needs are consistently met?

Step 2: Write a paper.

Review the essay rubric prior to proceeding. Write a paper that includes responses to the questions in Step 1. Use these writing guidelines:Include a cover page and references in addition to your required word count. Use correct APA format. Double-space text. Use size 12 Times New Roman. Use section headings to organize. (optional) Indent paragraphs. Include in-text citations. Use correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and verb tense.

Reference no: EM131902839

Questions Cloud

Discuss factors that may contribute to external information : Discuss factors that may contribute to the external information search and factors that act to reduce external search for information before purchase.
Cost of materials and labor needed to generate revenues : The cost of materials and labor needed to generate these revenues will total $60,000 per year. What is the project's NPV?
List the members of the neurotrophin family of neurotrophic : a) List the members of the neurotrophin family of neurotrophic factors and their recep
How might use time value money methods : Also, how might use time value money methods in your own personal financial decision making ?
How can partnerships enhance the performance of supply chain : What is systems thinking and how does it relate to global supply chain management? How can partnerships enhance the performance of a supply chain?
What is the preferred corticosteriod for chrons disease : What is the preferred corticosteriod for Chrons Disease that even demonstrates better response vs. mesalamine.
Current fair price of the bond with the given term structure : Current fair price of the bond with the given term structure. Price change needed to calculate 2-year key rate duration.
Complicated the use and usefulness of antibiotics : Increased drug resistance has complicated the use and usefulness of antibiotics. List 3 guidelines to decrease the chance of resistance. Antimicrobial scenarios
Resistance to traditional cytotoxic anti-cancer drugs : Discuss similarities and differences of resistance to traditional cytotoxic anti-cancer drugs compared to newer, more selective drugs


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