How can one develop these skills if they are lacking

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133544491


Class, Dr. Peter Facione identified six critical thinking skills that must be acquired in order to develop a successful career:

The six skills include:

  1. Interpretation - the ability to understand the information you are presented with and being able to communication that meaning to others.
  2. Analysis - the ability to connect pieces of information together in order to determine what the intended meaning of information is meant to represent.
  3. Interface - the ability to understand and recognize what elements you need in order to determine an accurate conclusion or hypothesis from the information that you have at your disposal.
  4. Evaluation - being able to evaluate the credibility of statements, descriptions, opinions to measure the validity of the information being presented.
  5. Explanation - the ability to not only restate information but add clarify and perspective so that it can be understood by whomever you are sharing with.
  6. Self-regulation - having the awareness of your own thinking abilities and the elements that you are using to find results.

Contemplate and reflect on these skills:

Do you agree or disagree with Dr. Facione that all must be present in order for a person to be successful?

How can one develop these skills if they are lacking?

Reference no: EM133544491

Questions Cloud

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How can one develop these skills if they are lacking : Interpretation - the ability to understand the information you are presented with and being able to communication that meaning to others.
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Demonstrate evidence that you have completed the reading : Demonstrate evidence that you have completed the reading by briefly describing your understanding of the author's assertions.


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