Reference no: EM131461782
Project Paper -
For this project, choose one of the major topic areas in the course and concentrate on a specific issue that may have a critical impact on one or more of the criminal justice system components. For example, problems with communications, motivation of personnel, or police subculture. You will locate and discuss the findings of at least three (3) current and relevant research studies (within 5-10 years) regarding your chosen topic area. Additionally, you are to propose some ideas regarding how you would improve your chosen topic issue as it applies to a particular component of the criminal justice system.
Your paper must include an introduction describing what your paper will cover and a conclusion summarizing the importance of the research studies on your topic, including your ideas. You must cite and reference at least seven (7) scholarly sources for this paper, in addition to the textbook, if used. This paper must be written in the APA writing style (6th edition) format. Submit the paper as a MS Word document in the appropriate drop-box. The paper (not including the title and reference pages) should be at least 5 pages (1750 words) in length. It must be double spaced in 11 point Arial or 12 point Times New Roman font.
Discussion Questions -
Answer the two discussion questions. 300 words or more each with at least two reference each. Thank you
Most of us have experienced organizational conflict among employees or between employees and the boss. There is no simple answer as to why conflict exists in any organization. However, there are certain contributing factors, such as: human behaviors, management styles, and structural issues that contribute to organizational conflict. The task for the criminal justice administrator is to be able to correctly identify the root causes of these conflicts and attempt to resolve them early and permanently, if possible.
1. How can "office politics" contribute to workplace conflicts? Identify and explain which particular conflict management processes and interventions might best address certain conflicts arising from office politics.
Criminal justice administrators are often constrained by time and access to all of the facts or information needed to make rational decisions. However, some researchers have suggested that the boundaries of rationality in decision making can be improved. They suggest that critical thinking and effective problem solving can improve rational decision making, cultivate strong remedies to organizational perplexities, and provide valuable feedback on how well the solution meets the overall goals and objectives of the organization.
2. Discuss how critical thinking and problem solving can improve the rational decision-making process for criminal justice professionals. Provide and discuss several examples.