Reference no: EM133603427
What could be the specific required as regards to analyzing quantitative data? Such as variables involved etc. for the follow portion of research methodology.
Research Questions
Question 1. What strategies and incentives does the Zambian government provide for the financing of affordable housing?
Question 2. How can micro insurance be utilized to assist medium and low income earners manage their incomes and create savings to finance affordable housing?
Question 3. To what extent are medium and low income earners in Zambia able to afford adequate housing?
Question 4. How do the costs of construction of affordable housing units vary across cities in Zambia?
Question 5. What is the acceptability of the micro insurance model among the targeted sample group?
Data Collection Tools
This study will take a look at, a variety of information collection tools which will be utilized so as to gain in-depth information of the topic at hand. The data collection tools for this study will include in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and document analysis. In-depth interviews will be conducted to gain a better understanding of the experiences, needs and perspectives of the low income earners in Zambia. The interviews will be semi-structured and will focus on understanding their monthly income streams, their expenditure and average rental payments, the size and quality of housing they are living in, and their attitudes towards the concept of micro insurance ( Jain, N. 2021 & Treasure, E. et al. 2008). The interviews will be performed on different sample groupings according to their earnings category with a view to have a broader perspective. Focus group discussions will be conducted to examine the current situation and perceptions of low income earners in Zambia. The discussions will be carried out with a number of organized sample groups with a purpose of gaining an expertise of how the concept of micro insurance coverage and lower priced housing will be considered. It will be useful to observe how the participants will interact and exchange opinions on a topic. This will also offer an insight which might not be possible through person interviews or surveys (Treasure et al, 2008).
Surveys will be used to gather quantitative data to assist in the analysis of the research (Jain, N. 2021). Sample questions will include: What is your monthly income? How much are you comfortable spending on housing? On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the affordability of housing in your city? Such survey questions will provide valuable statistical information about affordability for the low income population in Zambia. According to Busetto et al (2020) analyzing existing policies and documents related to the affordable housing sector in Zambia will provide useful insights into the current situation and will provide an understanding of the incentives provided by the government for financing and constructing housing units. Analysis of documents will consist of the Zambia National Development Plan, Zambia's National Housing Policy, and the Africa Housing Finance Yearbook among others that will provide insights into the current situation and the efforts being taken by authorities to reduce the housing deficit.
Possible Analyses
The analysis of the data collected will be conducted in a qualitative and quantitative manner. On the qualitative side, thematic analysis will be used to analyse the in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (Chenail, 2012). This type of analysis will be useful for understanding how participants perceive the situation and the concepts of micro insurance and affordable housing (Austin, & Sutton, 2015). It will also offer insights into how the participants would respond to certain incentives and subsidies supplied by using the authorities to reduce the housing deficit. Quantitative analysis will be used to analyze the survey data (Apuke, 2017). Descriptive statistical analyses, such as frequencies and percentages, will be used to understand the average income and expenditure of the respondents as well as their attitudes towards the affordability of housing. Multivariate analysis will also be conducted depending on the number of samples collected (Weiber et al. 2021 & Mengual-Macenlle et al. 2015). Chi-square test of independence may be used to examine the relationship between variables. Additionally, regression analysis will be used to examine how the independent variables predict the dependent variable.
The analyses will help to answer the research question and will provide useful insights into how micro insurance can help medium and low income earners manage their incomes and how the government can provide incentives and subsidies in its effort to meet the growing housing deficit in Zambia. Specifically, the goal is to determine how micro insurance will help in financing low-priced housing that may be used by medium and low earnings earners, and the way the government can offer incentives and subsidies to assist them have enough money to afford such housing.
In conclusion, for this research study, the data collection tools identified are in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and document analysis. The possible analyses include thematic analysis, descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and regression analysis. The analyses will help to answer the research question and will provide useful insights into the financing of affordable housing in Zambia through micro-insurance, and supporting medium and low income earners to manage their incomes.