Reference no: EM131261942
Sensory marketing
Please do some research on sensory marketing and explain what it is. Based on what you have learned so far in class, how can marketers use sensory marketing to their advantage? Please provide two examples of companies that have used sensory marketing and suggest ways for improvement.
Which is required 1 page work and also need one paragraph comment on other people writing.
Sensory marketing writing from other classmate:
Sensory marketing aims to use one or more of the five senses in order to aid in the purchase of a product or service. Moreover, it engages consumers senses by affecting their perception, judgment, and behavior. Claiming the senses is typically done through the product or at the point of sale, but can also play an important role in customer loyalty. Through each of the five senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch), marketers are able to create a strong bond between the consumers and their products/brand.
Through sight, we are able to see a product. It is one of the easier senses marketers can gain access to because as consumers, we automatically like or dislike the product without putting any conscious thought into it. For example, we look at the size and color.
Next, with smell, marketers hope to use smell as a way for consumers to create associations and memories. By putting these smells in the right areas, it allows consumers to build a strong connection with products. For example, the swimsuit section in Target may give off a slight scent of suntan lotion. This allows consumers to associate the smell with the memories they have made at the beach in past years and make them want to buy the swimsuit they are looking at.
Taste is really only available to those products that are edible. Moreover, we can't taste the clothing we are looking at in the women's section at Target. However, for those products that are edible, taste is a valuable sense for marketers to claim. For example, let's say in Whole Foods they are giving out free samples of chips that advertise themselves as having a "rich barbecue smell" and a "crunchy texture," consumers will then focus on these elements when tasting the chips and will most likely be even more interested in the tasting if they are looking for a chip with these elements.
Our fourth sense, hearing, is a great way for a brand to make a deeper connection with customer's taste and interests. Stores such as Macy's and Kohl's play different music depending on which department in the store one is in. Moreover, teenage girls and older, professional men are not going to enjoy the same music. For example, Paper Source, a small paper, card, and gift store in Center City, plays a little bit of every kind of music to attract their broad market. Also, around Christmas time, the store is often playing Christmas music to get their shoppers in the mood for the season as most of the consumers coming into the store are there to purchase Christmas cards, gifts, or wrap.
The last and final sense is touch. When marketers are designing a product and it's offerings, it's important for them to understand how it will feel to their customers. For example, around the fall and winter over the past two years, Urban Outfitters has been designing sweaters and hoodies that are all around comfortable, cozy, and warm. Not only this, but they are also starting to look more and more like fuzzy blankets. What better way to stay warm then to cuddle up inside a blanket?
One example of a company that uses all five senses to reach their consumer market is Coca-Cola. They have targeted their customers sight by their logo, they have used the same taste since 1899, the sound of the pop of the bottle, the smell of the soda, and the touch of the same bottle shape throughout the years. Another example is Starbucks. Starbucks attracts millions of people worldwide through their sensory marketing. For smell, they obviously use the smell of coffee to make a customer want a coffee, they use relaxing and inviting music selections to create an atmosphere that invites customers to relax and drink a cup of coffee, and they want their customers to touch their items by the way they display them along the line to the register. Lastly, sight and taste are obvious for this brand. The logo, colors, and graphics are well-known and attractive to consumers. And taste, well, people always want a little snack or breakfast when they have their coffee and Starbucks offers great options for this. Overall, our senses influence our emotions and decision-marketing. Touch, smell, taste, sound, and sight all play an important role in our perceptions, judgment, and behavior towards a product or service.
Hoidas, Amy. "Sensory Marketing: How Marketers Bond with Us Through Our 5 Senses." Branding Beat. Quality Logo Products, 15 Mar. 2016. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
"The Power of Sensory Marketing in Food Ads." Marketing Science Institute. N.p., 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.