Reference no: EM133544497 , Length: Words Count:200
Construct a report on the following research question: How can linguists support children with dyslexia learn two languages?
The report must include the following: Abstract (approximately 150 to 200 words), a literature review, Introduction, Method (participants, how the data was collected, what the quantitative and qualitative data of the research would be, and what method was used), Results (Estimate what will happen as the results are not 100% correct don't give exact results just estimate what will happen), Limitations, Discussion, Conclusion, Appendix, and References. Throughout the report, four articles must be used. The articles are listed below.
The readings that must be used in this report are the four below:
1. De Houwer, Annick 2009, An Introduction to Bilingual Development, Multilingual Matters, Bristol, pp. 1-14 (chapter: introducing the fancy term for bilingual development: BFLA)
2. Qi, Ruying 2011, The Bilingual Acquisition of English and Mandarin: Chinese Children in Australia, Cambria Press, New York, pp. 38 - 46 (chapter, section 2.7 Separate Development Hypotheses vs Unitary Language System Hypothesis) for both.
3. Genesse, Fred 2007, 'Early bilingual language development: one language or two?' in Li Wei (ed), Bilingualism reader, Routledge, London/New York, pp. 320-335.
4. Genesee, Fred 2003, 'Rethinking bilingual acquisition', in J. Dewaele, A. Housen & W. Li (eds), Bilingualism: Beyond basic principles, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, pp. 204-227.