How can i verify that my algorithm has not missed

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13944311

I wrote this program (with a lot of help) that finds multiple roots using bisection. For example, this program found the first 10 roots of cos(5x). Now, I'm supposed to find and store the first 50 roots of
= 50; L = 200; = 0.447; = 4.47
= 25; L= 200; = 0.748; = 1.875
= 15; L= 200; = 0.045; = 19.25

The instructions say: Now we must only modify the variable that determines the number of roots to find. We must also refine (i.e. improve) the bracket search algorithm so that roots that are not evenly spaced can be found. Test your algorithm by finding the roots for at least three different combinations of the parameters and L. How can you verify that your algorithm has not missed any of the roots? HINT: Consider the maximum frequency (dig back to that trig you forgot) to help determine the size of an appropriate bracket for this part of the problem.

(1) I only understand the first sentence of these instructions. How do I modify my program to find those 50 roots and, yes, how can I verify that my algorithm has not missed any of the roots?

(2) Also, could you please describe what each line of the main program is doing? I understand the subprogram, ‘bisection,' pretty well. I know the two programs are similar.
Main Program (for finding first 10 roots of cos(5x))

function root=multibisection(func,j,xtol,ftol)
ylower=feval(func,xlower); %takes func and evaluates xlower into that function
while i<11
ylower=feval(func,xlower); %takes func and evaluates xlower into that function
if abs(ylower)<ftol;
elseif abs(yupper)<ftol;

while (yupper*ylower)>0
format long

Sub Program
function root=bisection(func,xlower,xupper,xtol,ftol)

xroot=(xlower + xupper)/2;

while abs(yroot)>ftol;
ylower=feval(func,xlower); %takes func and evaluates xlower into that function
if ylower*yroot<0;

if abs(xupper-xlower)<xtol

xroot=(xlower + xupper)/2;

count=count + 1;
if count>500 %max number of iterations
disp ('too many interval halvings, stopping ...')
end %ends the while loop

Line4 m-file
function y=line4(x)

>> multibisection(@line4,0.314,1e-11,1e-11)

roots =

Columns 1 through 4

0.31415926533914 0.94247779608140 1.57079632675968 2.19911485721864

Columns 5 through 8

2.82743338823505 3.45575191891333 4.08407044967386 4.71238898037956

Columns 9 through 10

5.34070751111268 5.96902604181838

Reference no: EM13944311

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