How can hiring committees be composed to avoid favoritism

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133295937


Use the textbook and outside resources to answer each question, AND use in-text citations within the paragraphs.

Textbook: Burton, L., Kane, G., Borland, J. (2020) Sport Leadership in the 21st Century (Second Edition).

Case Study- Burton - Lingering Issues in Race and Leadership

What is the Abstract of the case?

Case Questions

1: What can athletic departments and hiring committees to do to encourage diversity in coaching positions in Division I athletics? (Discuss at least two specific tactics.) (In-Text Citations)

2: Powell noted that White men, who hold many of the power positions in Division I sports, tend to only pay attention to other Whites since they most closely associate with that racial group. How can hiring committees be composed to avoid such favoritism? (In-Text Citations)

3: According to Legette-Jack, a Black woman trying to become a head coach often needs some luck to get noticed. Knowing this, what can Black female assistant coaches who want to become coaches do to get noticed by a mostly White establishment in Division I athletics? (Discuss at least two specific tactics.) (In-Text Citations)

4 Black women make up 45% of NCAA Division I basketball players but only 10.9% of head coaches of the teams. Researchers point to this as an example of Black women not getting enough opportunities in leadership roles. Are there other possible explanations for these varying percentages? (In-Text Citations)

Reference no: EM133295937

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