Reference no: EM133238196
Your response needs to be substantive with examples, written on a college level (check for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.), and referencing the textbook. In addition, your grade is based on your reply to classmates, and you are expected to respond to at least two classmates. The response should support or challenge one of your classmates' posts, adding value to the conversation.
Here are some examples of writing a substantive response:
Ask an insightful and probing question to your classmate that deepens their level of reflection
Share how research supports or contradicts the posting
Share new insight
Validate an idea with your own life or work experience
Make a suggestion
Apply Your Knowledge - Book Business Communication Today 14th Edition
Respond to the following Discussion Questions:
Question 1. How does making an effort to avoid assumptions contribute to the practice of cultural pluralism? [LO-2]
Question 2. Why is it important to understand your culture when attempting to communicate with people from other cultures? [LO-4]
Question 3. How can helping someone adapt to your culture help you gain a better understanding of it yourself? [LO-5]
Question 4. How can understanding high-context and low-context cultures help you with interpersonal communications in the workplace?
Question 5. Identify the 6 types of non-verbal communication and discuss how these types would impact interpersonal communications in a high-context and a low-context communication situation.