How can hacking into a company''s system put at risk

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13783362

An outline is essential to creating a clear and organized PowerPoint that fulfills the assignment requirements. Students who use outlines tend to do much better in their assignments than students who do not. Thus, this part of the Final PowerPoint Presentation outline is intended to assist you in writing a thesis statement, organizing the presentation, and demonstrating how the research and your claims connect.

Here are your instructions:

Construct a title

Write your thesis statement

Place your thesis statement as the first sentence at the top of your outline

Write an introductory statement that includes:

A preview of what you will cover in your PowerPoint

A segue into the PowerPoint body

Write what claims you are espousing from your thesis statement

This requires breaking the thesis statement down and defining what it means and what the points are. These points are called your claims.

Support each claim with research

Write a few words on how this research connects to the claims and PowerPoint thesis

Write a conclusion statement, which includes a short summary

Outlines are written using either incomplete sentences or complete sentences (you can choose)

Use correct grammar

Do include citations, so you can refer back to your research

The outline should be 3-5 pages in length

Use the APA style wherever you include citations

It is not necessary to include a reference page

HINT: Remember you need to show that you have learned about diversity, ethics, critical thinking, and communication with regard to this topic. You can expound on what you wrote about your topic in Module 3.

Week # 3 Info for your reference:

Is it okay to hack a website for the purpose of helping the company's owner?

My initial paper was on cyber security. I would like to expand on cyber security by showing how cyber security is often times faced with ethical issues. My topic will be on Cyber Crime and Ethical Hacking. An ethical issues that goes hand and hand with cybercrimes is "Ethical hackers". Ethical hackers are described as individuals who compromise many computer system so later they're able to contact the original owner so they're able to once again fix the same problem. Many people do this for financial gain or for the purpose of holding onto a contract, this is simply not fair. Due to the fact that many security professional do this for a living, they often times feel that what they're doing is not an issues since the target company is already paying for the service.

I will provide critical thinking on why would security feel this is beneficial for a copy? Throughout my research I will provide communication on different methods of cybercrime that affects not only a single company but in many cases an entire community. What can be done to protect these companies? How can hacking into a company's system put every employee at risk?

Reference no: EM13783362

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