How can employer reduce risk associated with disparate

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133289175


Read Connecticut Firefighters Settle Reverse Discrimination Suit For $2 Million for an example of a promotion process designed to avoid liability for disparate impact, ending in committing disparate treatment discrimination. Review the site, and in the discussion forum, answer the following questions:

1. What is the real lesson here?

2. Knowing that people tend to associate with others like themselves, how can an employer reduce the risk associated with disparate impact?

Reference no: EM133289175

Questions Cloud

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Article the gender wage gap : Locate an article written on the gender wage gap. (choose something published AFTER October 2020).
Why would we increase the federal minimum wage : Why would we increase the federal minimum wage? Should we increase the minimum wage?
Pros and cons of alternative dispute resolution in nlra : Analyze what impact the NLRB and courts had in their attempt to generate equality of bargaining power between union and employers (if any).
How can employer reduce risk associated with disparate : Knowing that people tend to associate with others like themselves, how can an employer reduce the risk associated with disparate impact?
Establish compensation package for a newly formed company : Let's assume that you have been hired to establish the compensation package for a newly formed company.
Discuss strategies for dealing with resistance to change : How might Carrie Worth (CEO) benefit from learning about managerial responses to resistance that will facilitate change at BHCo?
Explain psychological egoism as a descriptive theory : Explain psychological egoism as a descriptive theory, being sure to explain why it is not a normative theory.
Which factors played largest role in wendy kopp challenges : List of burnout risk factors developed by Maslach and Leiter (work load, work control...), explain which factors played largest role in Wendy Kopp's challenges.


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