Reference no: EM132263401
Question: Part A: Prepare a six page essay in which you explain (a) what is economic determinism as a social theory (b) why the causal logic of overdetermination renders that approach impossible.
Prepare a six page essay in which you use the concepts of fundamental, subsumed class and non-class processes to explain the functioning of one of the following kinds of societies: (a) communism (b) feudalism (c) slavery (d) capitalism (e) ancient.
Prepare a six page essay in which you use the concepts of fundamental, subsumed, and non-class processes to explain (a) what is a social formation (b) how it might be used to explain some period of American history (for example, the decades after the American revolution; the uneasy co-existence among slave, capitalist, and ancient class structures in the US prior to the Civil War; small and large business today in the US).
Prepare a six page essay in which you use the concepts of fundamental, subsumed, and non-class process to explain the main differences between capitalism and communism.
Part B: Prepare a three page essay in which you choose a particular form of surplus labor appropriation (a capitalist, feudal, slave, communist, or ancient form) and explain why it exists in contradiction.
Why can't all of the surplus appropriated be consumed by the appropriators? Prepare a three page essay explaining why it cannot (be consumed).
How can class enjoy a position of priority in Marx's theory of society without also serving as an essence in that theory? Answer this question in a three page essay.