Reference no: EM132833406
There are approximately 1 million different species of insects. They have a body divided into head, thorax and abdomen, and typically have 6 legs and one or two pairs of wings.
A) Web site name: University of Florida: Singing insects of North America
Read "How to recognize crickets, katydids and cicadas"
1). How do Ensiferans produce calling songs? __________________________
Click on "Crickets" then "List of Species", click on several different species and then and fill out the information below:
2). Name of species #1: ________________________________
Where is it found? _____________________________________________
Describe its song: ____________________________________________
3). Name of species #2: ________________________________
Where is it found? _____________________________________________
Describe its song: ____________________________________________
Click on "Katydids" at the top of the screen, then "List of Species". Click on some species then fill out the information below:
4). Name of species #3: ________________________________
Where is it found? _____________________________________________
Describe its song: ____________________________________________
5). Name of species #4: ________________________________
Where is it found? _____________________________________________
Describe its song: ____________________________________________
One group of insects that has had a big impact on human disease is mosquitoes, which transmit several fatal diseases including malaria.
B) Web site name: BBC News
Read "Little progress in Malaria war".
6). How many cases of malaria are there every year? _____________________
7). How long will it be before a vaccine is available? _____________________
8). What is one reason that the "RBM" has failed?
9). Which two drugs are the most effective treatment for malaria?
10). Why is this likely to reach only a fraction of patients who need it?
C) Web site name: NYU School of Medicine
11). In general, how long does it take for tumors to disappear completely in mice infected with Sindbis virus? ______________________________________
12). In which parts of the world is Sindbis virus found? ___________________
13). What symptoms does the virus cause in humans?
14). How many different cancer-killing viruses are in clinical trials? __________
15). Why did adding the IL-12 gene help? _______________________________
D) Web site name: University of Florida Book of Insect Records
Click on "Chapter 10: Least Specific Sucker of Vertebrate Blood"
16). What insect can feed on any vertebrate? _______________________
17). What animals does G. palpalis fuscipes feed on?
18). Why does this species not rely on scent (olfaction) to find its host?
Click on the "Back" button, read a few of the other chapters and select two more chapters on insects that interest you.
19). Which two chapters did you pick?
20). Why did you find these interesting?
E) Web site name: Forensic Entomology: University of Florida
Read "What is Forensic Entomology"
21). What is "forensic entomology"? __________________________________
22). What may be responsible for car accidents that lack a definitive cause?
23). What are "flyspecks"? _______________________________________
Click on "Insects"
24). Which insect has a gradual or "paurometabolous" development? _______________________________________
25). What color are adult blowflies? _______________________________
26). How can beetle larvae be differentiated from maggots?
F) Web site name: BBC News
27). Which human-like species is this article talking about?
28). Why was it previously a "puzzle" that this species had significant amounts of a type of carbon associated with eating protein?
29). What were these bone tools used for? _______________________________
30). What type of carbon is laid down in the bones of meat eaters? ___________
31). What two nutrients are termites rich in? _____________________________
32). What modern primate "fishes" for termites? __________________________
Attachment:- Insects.rar