Reference no: EM133415861
Hypothetical- Arlene is a new agent at Betty's Buy & Sell Brokerage. Arlene meets with a new buyer, Velma, a 65-year-old widow, who is looking for a new home. Velma tells Arlene - "I need peace and quiet, I do not want noisy children screaming all day or loud parties with college students drinking all night! And I want to hear ENGLISH when I walk around my neighbor, this is America after all!"
1. Can any of Velma's demands be met? If so, which and how?
2. Are there any demands by Velma which cannot be met? If so, which and why not?
3. Betty is concerned that Velma's statements could expose the brokerage and individual agents to liability under the Fair Housing Act, and notes that the Errors and Omissions Policy specifically excludes FHA lawsuits from coverage. Arlene, having recently completed her FHA training tells Betty the office should enact an FHA Office Compliance Program. Describe in thorough detail what such a program requires.
4. Arlene shows Velma a home in a quiet community. Velma states the home is perfect as the two women walk back to their cars. They pass by a couple walking their dog and having a conversation in Spanish. When Velma sees the couple walk into the house next door, she turns to Arlene and says "I told you, ENGLISH only!" What should Arlene do? Why?