How can america deal with its changing demographics

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133601224


Reflect on our discussions and your readings to date. What role might tradition and/or myth play in the varying responses to these changing demographics? What does it mean to "be" American? Is it assimilation into a set of cultural ideals?' Will taking on these values mean that you will be considered American? How can America deal with its changing demographics?

Reference no: EM133601224

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the shape of the league in the 1930s : The League of Nations stands as one of the largest failures in modern political history. But is this deserved?
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Different colors of corn that represented cardinal points : In what regions were Zuni Indians known for using five different colors of corn that represented the cardinal points?
How can america deal with its changing demographics : Will taking on these values mean that you will be considered American? How can America deal with its changing demographics?
Which ways did the us fulfill their promises : In which ways did U.S. fulfill their promises and in which ways did they fail to uphold their end of their contract with Mexico as well as Mexican nationals?
Which was surrounded by alternating canals : At the heart of the city was a central island called the? citadel, which was surrounded by alternating canals and? ring-shaped islands.
Example of the sacred right of self preservation : According to Venegas, how were the revival of Day of the Dead celebrations in the United States by Mexican & Chicana/o artists in 1972.
How did marge oberholtzer embody the idea of a new woman : How did Marge Oberholtzer embody the idea of a "new woman" during the 1920s?


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