How can a marketer use the results in its marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131792121

Analyze the results below.

Be sure to consider the respondents' self-reported brand preference and the choice in the taste test. Assess the implications. How can a marketer use the results in its marketing communications plan?

Be sure to attribute your sources in a professional manner.

Deliverable Length: 200 words

Results below:

The aim of the taste test was to figure out the customer's perceptions regarding Cliff's homemade Vanilla ice cream and how the views compared with Ben & Jerry's Vanilla ice cream. I targeted two market segments which comprised of children and adults up to 40 years old.

In this case, 3 out of the 7 participants used for the test were minors between the ages of 12 and 18 years.

The brands were labeled A and B before the participants could taste and issue the respective ratings. The ratings were selected on a scale between 1 and 5, where 1 represented the worst and 5 the best rating.

First, the participants rated five dimensions of taste that included; creaminess, sweetness, aftertaste, flavorness and texture. Secondly, they provided ratings on the overall taste of the ice cream.

They then rinsed their mouths before moving on to the next brand. After the tests were completed, the participants were asked to name the brand they normally use.

In this test table, participants would circle the number that matched their rating.

These are the Results

How is the creaminess?

How does the ice cream taste? Is it sweet enough?

How is the aftertaste?

Do the flavors meet your expectations?

How is the texture? How does the ice cream feel on your mouth?

How is the ice cream overall?

In the end, the results suggested that Ben & Jerry's Vanilla ice cream was more creamy, sweet and tasty overall. Notably, the most participants (5 out of 7) agreed that Ben & Jerry's provided tasty ice cream in overall.

However, the results on aftertaste implied that the two brands provided equally likeable products. In addition, the sweetness aspect yielded the lowest ratings (an average of 3) for Cliff's homemade.

This means that the management should improve in this aspect in order to remain competitive (Ghose & Lowengart, 2001).

The participants were aware of the important aspects of the ice cream market as most of them (5 out of7 ) positively identified the brand that they used.


Ghose, S., & Lowengart, O. (2001). Taste tests: Impacts of consumer perceptions and preferences on brand positioning strategies. Journal Of Targeting, Measurement And Analysis For Marketing, 10(1), 26-41.

Reference no: EM131792121

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