How can a company that was the first to manufacture food

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133320255

Question 1: How can a company that was the first to manufacture food processors over a decade ago maintain its market share and margin over the cheaper competitors' processors without adapting or modifying its original product?

  1. Increasing production and targeting new markets.
  2. Modifying packaging and offering promotions.
  3. Implementing its obsolescence plan and liquidating product.
  4. Lowering its price by reducing costs of supplies and production.

Question 2: Why would a company that manufactures nylon strapping modify its product and processes to produce strapping of various widths and colours?

  1. The current product has limited usage.
  2. The current product is specific to one market.
  3. The modified product will have multiple uses.
  4. The modified product is unique and may be in high demand.


Reference no: EM133320255

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