Reference no: EM13843374
Assignment 1: Growth in Emerging Markets
When analyzing new markets to enter, companies need to perform an environmental screening to be sure about which potential candidates would be the most likely to provide the right conditions for achieving expected results. In doing that, economic conditions and growth patterns always play an important role for decision making.
Using the University online library resources and the Internet, research recent growth trends for developed and emerging countries and answer the following:
After the 2007/2008 world economic crisis, what has been different about emerging markets with regard to growth patterns, economic conditions, and trends? Justify your answer by providing some examples.
If you were the person in charge of growth strategies for a retail company, what market(s) would be your primary targets for an expansion? Why? Explain your reasoning and substantiate your claims with citations from your research.
Give reasons in support of your responses. Be sure to cite any relevant resources.
Write your initial response in 300-500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail; include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA style; and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
By Saturday, September 26 post your response to the below Discussion Area.
Assignment 2:Ethnocentrism
In M5: Assignment 1, you evaluated some aspects of the economic/market conditions that should be part of the environmental scanning that any company needs to perform before making a decision to enter new markets. In this assignment, you will focus on the social-cultural dimension of the analysis of international opportunities. Understanding a new culture and all idiosyncrasies and differences between the company's original culture and that of the new market being considered as a new target is fundamental for achieving success. Your company should never assume that values, ethics, needs, and expectations are the same in all markets. Ethnocentrism can be a major problem when a company looks at new markets.
Using the University online library resources and the Internet, research the topic of ethnocentrism in business and answer the following:
What is the impact of ethnocentrism on companies that want to expand their operations to new markets? Illustrate your answer with real-world examples.
How can a company mitigate the impact of ethnocentrism? Provide suggestions and give examples to illustrate your points.
If you were the person in charge of growth strategies for a retail company, what market(s) would be your primary targets for an expansion? Explain your reasoning.