How business or organization executes the 3 competencie

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133646728


Select 3 of the 9 HRM competencies and apply them to a business or organization you know.

Describe the business or organization that outlines the market it's in as well as its size and mission.

Explain how this business or organization executes the 3 competencies you chose. Provide enough details for someone outside the company to understand your analysis.

Reference no: EM133646728

Questions Cloud

How common is it for children to experience kind of trauma : How common is it for children to experience this kind of trauma? Are there specific effects that result from this kind of childhood trauma?
Discuss objectives on how you would create a new mls team : Discuss objectives on how you would create a new MLS team for a city near you (it should be a large enough city to support an MLS team).
Explain what will help the business become more profitable : Explain what will help the business become more profitable. Explain what will help the business get the best deal for the company in union negotiations.
How important is division of labor to a capitalist economy : How important is the division of labor to a capitalist economy? What are some examples of division of labor and specialization from your personal experiences?
How business or organization executes the 3 competencie : How this business or organization executes the 3 competencies you chose. Provide enough details for someone outside the company to understand your analysis.
Effective illustration of arguments with examples : Comment on the benefit of the exercise and what may need further work to prepare for possible challenges that may be faced at the presentation day
Identify five types of crises man-made or natural disasters : Identify at least 5 types of crises, man-made or natural disasters, and at least 5 best practices to lead a team through a crisis.
What do you feel could be effective approach : What do you feel could be an effective approach/analysis that project management should/could use when addressing a challenge?
Describe the customer service experience : Describe the customer service experience in detail. What were your expectations and how were they or were they not met?


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