How business internationalisation enhance companys

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Reference no: EM131948980 , Length:

Topic: How business internationalisation and developing new technology enhance companys' (e.g. Apple Inc.) competitive edge (e.g. customer loyalty) Some tips to help you get started.

1. Have a main research question you would like to answer within the confines of your program. If you have multiple questions that you would like to ask, organize them around a main question. This will help you keep your thinking clear as you do your literature review and see so many different ways to go. Stick with one research question. Do not keep changing your topic. You can do another research project after you graduate!

2. You will need a theory, model or some type of theoretical framework to guide you. You have studied many and will find many in your literature review. Pick one and use it to "filter" the data you collect from your sample set (the people you ask to answer your question). You are only doing a masters not a PhD. You do not need to build a theory but only test one that is already been built and tested. The difference is you are using their theory on your sample set to answer your question. So pick a theory that makes sense for your research question.

3. You will need a sample set. That is a sample of people to answer your research question that represent a larger population (you cannot possible ask everyone in the population of people you want to study). This means you need to explain why these people represent a population. See data collection books if you are not clear.

4. You need a data collection device. That is a methodology to systematically collect data to help you answer your research question. Qualitative or Quantitative are the two big ones. Try to avoid mixing, masters students often do not do well mixing. Adding extra just to sound important often makes things unclear. Remember to make everything clear for your reader.

5. Do the analysis using your theory you choose.

6. Discuss your limitations and explain everything you are doing.

7. Use harvard reference, at least 30 academic reference

8. can select a company in Hong Kong or a multinational one

Reference no: EM131948980

Questions Cloud

Difference between primary market and secondary market : What is the goal of financial management? What is the difference between a primary market and a secondary market?
Company organization from sole proprietorship to corporation : What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to a corporation?
How has the navy positioned itself to lead market segment : What is the NAvys orgnization's chief competitive advantage? How has the Navy positioned itself to lead its market segment?
Thinking about financial management in foreign country : Would our goal of maximizing the value of the stock be different if we were thinking about financial management in a foreign country?
How business internationalisation enhance companys : Discuss your limitations and explain everything you are doing - How business internationalisation and developing new technology enhance companys
Fiscal policy consists of using government spending : Fiscal policy consists of using government spending and/or taxes, to "manage" the economy. President Obama used almost $800 Billion in spending to try
How are auction markets different from dealer markets : What does it mean when we say the New York Stock Exchange is an auction market? How are auction markets different from dealer markets?
Explain why the given art works reflect the ideas and values : Select 2 art works from the so called romantic period of the 19th century and explain why these art works reflect the ideas and values of the changing times.
Describe the risks with lagging the market : First, describe the risks and benefits with leading, meeting, and lagging the market in overall compensation and benefits.


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