How blue cross blue shield of georgia processed

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Reference no: EM13968473

Respond to each of these peer DQ with 3-4 sentences

1. The intended audience for this email was for me. I received it on January 29, 2016 from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia. The message was for me to understand how my insurance plan works, so that I could get the most for my benefits.

Dear Lervica Lee

To get the most from your benefits you need to understand how your plan works. The attached Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to help you do this. This is not a bill; instead it was a summary of how Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia processed a recent claim. The attached EOB included detailed claim information. This includes the amount you saved by choosing a provider in the BCBS of GA network. It also includes the amount you may owe in addition to your copayment, deductible and coinsurance.

This claim was processed in the order it was received from your provider, not in the order you received the service. Claims for multiple providers may have been processed separately. If you have coverage through more than one health plan, you should notify each plan and file all your claims with them to ensure correct payment.

If you have any questions, we encourage you to call the customer service number listed on the back of your Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia ID card.

For more information, don't forget that BCBSGA is open all night for your convenience!

Thank You for choosing Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia!

Claims Department

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia

The purpose of effective written communication is to send a message with the intention of the recipient understanding the message and responding to it. Effective written communication is an important aspect of business and personal communication because it sends messages that are flat, lacking other elements of communication such as tone of voice, a person's body language and gestures. Written communication can be confusing, offensive and ineffective if it is poorly written, uses vague terminology or doesn't provide concrete definitions for the message attempting to be sent. Written communication is important because no business organization can function without it. The working of any organization depends on the exchange of letters, reports, and emails (Smiriti, Chand), And the most important reason is that face-to-face communication is not always possible because the workers of an organization may be spread over widely spread geographical distances.

The advantage to good communication skills is there would be drastic reduction of mistakes and misunderstandings. When there is greater and more effective interaction between the employees, there will be lesser number of mistakes and misunderstandings. This is beneficial for a company as it would save a great deal of time, effort and money for the company.

2. Internal Business Communication
Saviour Dimoh
South University Online
To: Deana Morris
From: Kristi Shelley
Date: November 12, 2015
Subject: Request for shift change

I have received your request dated November 3 to change from the day shift to the night shift. I have approved the request effective December 1. I will have everyone noticed by then, so you can start the late shift on that day. I hope this allows you work out all your problem.

Intended Audience and Message

The intended audience for this memo was a staff working at a Nursing home in Olympia WA. The intended message for this memo was not clear. The approval for the shift change was not given in the first line of the paragraph, and the closing was very negative. There was no empathy shown to this staff. As a leader, your communication style must be clear and coherent. Leader must communicate effectively always regardless it is a verbal or written communication. A leader must be aware that the words he speaks and write reveals his ethos and tone to his audience. "If we are unsure and lack confidence in our writing or speaking abilities, our choice of words, our style, and our tone will reveal it" (Barrett, 2013, P. 54).

Rewritten Document
To: Deana Morris
From: Kristi Shelley
Date: November 12, 2015
Subject: Request for shift change
Your transfer to the night shift has been approved. I am sure you will enjoy with working the night team. You will begin working the night shift (11 p. m. to 6 a.m.). on Tuesday, December 1. Please continue working the day shift through Monday, November 31.
Deana, you are an asset to our company, and we are pleased to approve this change to assist you in improving your child-care arrangements.
Advantages to Good Communication
The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills you can develops. The way in which you communicate will inform, influence, and persuade others will help determine the progress you make in your career.
Some advantages to good communication are (Papa, 2016);

Promote productivity- Your productivity and efficiency on the job are enhanced by the ability to speak clearly, listen effectively, and to write competently

Increase Success- Your ability to motivate and help subordinate's archives rest on your understanding of human nature, showing empathy and mastering communication.
Communication in Organization

Communication in organization is very important. If people feels that communication is an issue, that is because they are not been communicated to or they are not competent enough to communicated on the organization level. Effective communication in an organization must be internal and external communication in order to succeed. Day-to-day operations depend on the exchange of information among employees, performance objectives, job instructions and employees' accomplishment which illustrate important information exchanged daily for the productiveness of the organization. ""effective communication is a building block of successful organizations". In other words, communication acts as organizational blood" (Management Study Guide).

Reference no: EM13968473

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