How average length of stay impact organizations budget

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131491620

Assignment: Financial Trends

Deliverable Length: Part 1: 7-10 pages; Part 2: 2-3 paragraph memo to Ms Woods

There are two parts to this assignment:

Part 1:

Using your instructor's and peers' feedback and suggestions from Week 4, complete your final draft of the Key Assignment, Report to the Future of Healing Hands Task Force. Add the following analysis to complete your paper from Week 4 and then submit the entire paper including the analysis for this assignment:

Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital understand the importance of evaluating operational performance in the healthcare industry and its impact not only on patient satisfaction but also maintaining sound financial management. This is increasingly important in the era of value-based care including Medicare's Quality Payment Program. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis of data related to patient care is needed. This data includes average length of stay, readmission rates, mortality rates and compliance with standard of care guidelines.

In addition, Healing Hands Hospital is preparing financially for the many different reimbursement changes associated with Medicare Advantage Plans and the need to demonstrate improved quality of care delivered to the hospital's patients. As part of the Task Force you have been asked to research and analyze data regarding 1) length of stay and 2) hospital acquired infections and the impact of both metrics on the hospital budget and reimbursement. As reimbursement payments become increasingly linked to quality of care, it is important for Healing Hands Hospital to continue to improve in these areas. You have been asked to help the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Nursing Officer evaluate these aspects of patient care as part of your report to Mr. Magone and the Task Force. Submit a 7-10 page paper incorporating your unit 1-4 Individual Project topics including the analysis of how Healing Hands Hospital compares to other hospitals in the nation, state and region in:

• Average length of stay
• Hospital acquired infection rate

Describe how these statistics impact the organization's budget and reimbursement opportunities in the future. Be sure to include how Medicare reimbursement will be impacted.

For your research, remember to use the hospital that you chose to represent Healing Hands Hospital and use data for the same state and region for comparison in your analysis. Put your data for comparison in a table or graph in your paper.

For the final paper reference list, be sure to include a minimum of 3 reference sources besides the textbook identifying where you found your data on hospital statistics and add this to your references for the other sections of your final paper from the previous week's assignments. Document your references using APA format.

Part 2:

Being asked to be part of the Task Force was recognition of your abilities and value to Healing Hands Hospital. When you started to work on the Task Force, you were not an expert in all of the aspects of the healthcare industry on which you were asked to report. Your manager, Ms. Woods, the Chief Operating Officer, recognizes this and that you had not previously had the opportunity to present to the Chief Executive Officer and other members of the executive team. She tells you that this is a good opportunity to develop skills as a professional and expand your expertise level in the healthcare field. She is curious about how you feel about the opportunity and what skills you feel you already had and those that you developed in this process. She also would like to know what skills you feel you still need to develop to continue to advance in your healthcare management career. Write a 2-3 paragraph memo to Ms. Woods that answers her questions and reflect on your professional development through the work that you did for the Task Force (as a part of this course) and how you will continue to maintain your acquired skills and knowledge base.

Reference no: EM131491620

Questions Cloud

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What approaches could have yielded additional valuable info : What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information? How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter?
Calculate the asset turnover : Choose a public company, and present findings from your financial analysis in a report. Your report must include the following.
Rationale of the business judgment rule : What is the rationale of the business judgment rule - does it allow directors too many opportunities to avoid the consequences of poor business decisions?
How average length of stay impact organizations budget : How Average length of stay and Hospital acquired infection rate impact organization's budget and reimbursement opportunities in the future.
Calculate the earning per share one-year ahead : Calculate the earning per share one-year ahead. Calculate the P/E ratio one-year ahead.
Breaches of her statutory duty of care : Rose is becoming worried about her obligations as a director, especially if Growfast's financial position deteriorates any further.
Optimal number of hours : Find the budget constraint and then the optimal number of hours he should spend in Leisure (L)
What are main types of tax-exempt money market funds : What are the main types of tax-exempt money market funds? What is the beta coefficient for a firm?


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