How automated accounting software can help management

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM13328069

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper that summarizes your findings from the four (4) scenarios as well as how using Microsoft Excel helped you with this process. Use the following outline:

1. Summarize the various accounting systems that each firm provides. Be sure to address the following for each firm: a. The various types of accounting systems it sells (e.g., Oracle sells Oracle Financials as well as PeopleSoft financials)
b. The industries that it markets itself to (e.g., most firms sell their products to banking firms, construction firms)
c. Explain how Wall Street views the firm. Is it positive? Negative? Why?

2. Analyze the results from the four (4) scenarios to determine how creditable your sources were and how your selection of sources
may have been improved.

3. Develop one (1) additional scenario that would have exceeded the results from your best scenario.

4. Determine how your findings could be used to better drive management decisions.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Discuss how automated accounting software can help management make better informed business decisions.
  • Organize information between Word and Excel to communicate to internal and external users.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in microcomputer applications for accountants.
  • Write clearly and concisely about microcomputer applications for accountants using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignment.


Reference no: EM13328069

Questions Cloud

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What is the price per share of the companys common stock : An oil company's resources are being depleted and known reserves are becoming scarcer. As a result, the company's earnings and dividends are declining at a rate of 3% each year.
How automated accounting software can help management : Summarize the various accounting systems that each firm provides. Be sure to address the following for each firm: a. The various types of accounting systems it sells (e.g., Oracle sells Oracle Financials as well as PeopleSoft financials)
Describe the equilibrium constant for the reaction : Consider the reaction A? B Assuming ?G?f (A) = 8.066 kJ/mol and ?G?f (B)= 12.24 kJ/mol, what is the equilibrium constant for this reaction at 25 oC
Determine the operationg cash flow for the current year : A firm in the third year of depreciating its only asset, which originally cost $180,000 and has a 5-year MACRS recovery period, has gathered the following data relative to the current year s operations.
Evaluate the stock market performance of firms : This assignment is based upon O'Leary Lab 4: Stock Portfolio Analysis and consists of two (2) parts - an Excel-based assignment and a paper.
Graph represents a natural monopoly : Graph represents a natural monopoly.


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