How atomization and preference falsification were utilized

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Reference no: EM133509190


Purpose: The primary goal of this weekly summative assignment is to critically analyze some of the important political science concepts, terms, and theories that were covered this first week of our course.

Prepare: Review Chapters 1 to 4 in the course text and access the web page Primary Documents in American History: Alien and Sedition ActsLinks to an external site. to read about the Sedition Act of 1798.

Reflect: You began learning about the major concepts, terms, and theories that embody political science. In this weekly assignment, you will connect the concepts of atomization, peer policing, and preference falsification to how a government can govern. These three techniques are often used by political leaders to prevent radical groups from forming in opposition to the central government. Analysis of how these techniques are used by leaders to oppose any collective action to overthrow the system will broaden your understanding of how governments maintain control over their citizens.

Write: In your essay of at least three pages, you will draw connections from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the concepts of governmental control discussed this week in your course text, A Novel Approach to Politics, by addressing the following:

1. Describe the Sedition Act of 1798 (1 page).

2. Discuss how the Sedition Act of 1798 enhanced governmental control over U.S. citizens (1 page).

3. Explain how atomization, peer-policing, and preference falsification techniques were utilized in the Sedition Act of 1798 (1 page).

Reference no: EM133509190

Questions Cloud

Discuss what you learned from the video : Discuss what you learned from the video about the purpose of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) and the target patient population who benefit from IPT.
How your ethics will guide your organizational career : Determine how your ethics will guide your organizational career at Wamart and your life. This should not be a textbook response, but your personal ethics.
What role do the internet or social media play in self-harm : What role do the internet or social media play in self-harm or suicide risk?
Evaluate each media message for the presence of bias : Evaluate each media message for the presence of bias. Use the five key questions as identified by the Center for Media Literacy. Who created the message?
How atomization and preference falsification were utilized : Explain how atomization, peer-policing, and preference falsification techniques were utilized in the Sedition Act of 1798 (1 page).
What is the average salary for your future profession : What is the average salary for your future profession? What is the average age at which people first get married? What is the average price of gas?
Describe the historical pattern of growth of the worldwide : Describe the historical pattern of growth of the worldwide human population since our origin.
Describe the body language and nonverbal communication tools : Describe the body language and nonverbal communication tools identified within the video. Explain whether you will incorporate these tips in your nonverbal
Describe their top four programs for their features and cost : Describe and compare their top four programs for their features, advantages/disadvantages, and costs.


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