How assertions relate to account balances

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM132368932 , Length: 3200 Words

Developing an Audit Program for a selected publically listed Company


Purpose of the assessment

Students are required to:

1.1- Identify and distinguish between tests of controls, substantive tests of transactions and substantive tests of balances.
1.2- Identify and understand when the auditor will undertake substantive audit procedures in response to specific assessed risks of material misstatement.
1.3- Understand how assertions relate to account balances
1.4- Understand how to select the most efficient and effective combination of audit procedures that allows them to achieve the audit objective
1.5- Active participation in an "audit team context" with professional group discussions
1.6- Co-operation with fellow students to produce a joint assignment in a report format on time and to a high standard along with power-point slides.


The aim of this group assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to design a "risk-based" audit program for a real world company and focus on the "Substantive tests of balances", which involves substantiating the ending balance of an account(s), which is comprised of multiple transactions, as at a certain year-end date.

Assignment Requirements and Structure

1. Students are required to form groups of 4 - 5 students and inform their session lecturer of their group members by completing the "HA3032 Group Form details".

2. If you have difficulties forming such groups, please contact your lecturer ASAP.

3. Each group of students will select, or have selected for them, a unique ASX listed company to use for progressive analysis in this group assignment.

4. Final approval of the company/client - i.e. any company listed on the ASX and which has not already been selected by another group - is required by your lecturer.

5. Prepare a detailed audit program Report [3,000 words] for the client/company in a group of 4 - 5 students. Students must use a Report Format with an Executive Summary and Table of Contents.

6. Use publicly available online resources for research purposes.

7. Prepare a 10mins oral presentation in class using power-point slides and graphics (10 marks).

Detail Assignment Tasks: Developing an Audit Program for a selected listed Company

1. Select a listed company from the current ASX List or this will be allocated to your group.

2. Gain an understanding of the nature of the entity and its industry and then identify key business risks. After this is completed, assess where the risks of material mis-statements could be in the financial report. Consider the factors affecting both Inherent Risk and Control Risk. Finally, apply the Audit Risk Model [AR = f ( IR , CR , DR )] to the selected company. Which risk rating would you apply (Low, Medium or High) to the company's inherent risk assessment and control risk assessment? How does this affect your assessment of Detection Risk and Audit Risk?

3. Perform analytical procedures of the Statement of Financial Position and of Financial Performance over the last three years using appropriate ratios and/or metrics. Select four key ratios and provide a brief explanation in the report. This should be presented in a table format.

4. Discuss with your group members which account balances are considered "material". Explain how you calculated materiality for planning purposes and provide appropriate justification for your decision-making.
(Note - Use a table format to structure your answers to questions 5, 6, 7 & 8)

5. Select up to ten different material account balances, at least five assets and five liabilities.

6. For each material account balance selected, list the relevant financial report assertions and explain why the selected assertions are applicable to each account.

7. Design a comprehensive set of audit work steps for each material account balance, which addresses the selected assertions and which will result in sufficient and appropriate audit evidence being collected for your selected client company. (Assume that a predominantly substantive approach is being adopted)

8. Include a sampling plan, which details how you will use sampling for each material account balance to be tested. How many items will be tested for each test?

Verified Expert

The report framed by auditor plays key role in improving organisations goodwill. The study shows the role of auditing in V Moto Limited. Sample planning for each of the material account balance is also made that leads in assessing importance of the audit work.

Reference no: EM132368932

Questions Cloud

Demand versus a change in quantity demanded : a. Please explain what is the difference between a change in demand versus a change in quantity demanded?
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Explain in detail the facts of the selected case : Pick two of the types of criminal acts discussed in the chapter, and conduct an internet search for cases in which a security professional was charged.
Describe the disaster recovery and business continuity : Describe the disaster recovery and business continuity that the business had in place? How was the organization impacted? What losses did it suffer?
How assertions relate to account balances : Identify and understand when the auditor will undertake substantive audit procedures in response to specific assessed risks of material misstatement
How was the attack accomplished if known : How was the attack accomplished if known? Your own analysis and feedback about the attack?5- Who are the victims? What are the implications for them?
How to calculate square or rectangle edges and center : How to calculate square or rectangle edges and center. You just need one formula for edges and one formula for centers.
Capabilities of digital asset management software : Do research online to identify the capabilities of digital asset management software. What are the top rated digital asset management software products?
Identify your chosen clinical issue of interest : In this Assignment, you will identify clinical areas of interest and inquiry and practice searching for research in support of maintaining or changing.


Write a Review

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  National health reform

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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