Reference no: EM131846339
Students will login to FierceEMR and FierceHealthIT using the link provided in the reading assignment module and select a "current/popular" topic of the week that may impact their practice.
HERE ARE SOME CHOICES. (Choose 1 article)
1. Industry Voices-Preserving quality of care in the face of cybersecurity threats by Maia Hightower.
2. Oscar, Cleveland Clinic use FHIR to streamline data exchange by Leslie Small.
3. With imperfect screening system, Ohio State unaware of doctor's sexual assault allegations by Joanne Finnegan.
Students, in a professionally developed paper,
• will discuss the rationale for choosing the topic,
• how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner,
• citing pros and cons.
• Include a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment.
• In the conclusion, provide recommendations for the future
Category: Description
-Introduction: presents a brief overview of the parts of the paper.
-Selects relevant HealthIT Topic to discuss; provides rationale for selecting topic:
Provides convincing rationale for topic selection
-Convincing arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner citing pros and cons: Convincing arguments of how topic impacts practice in a positive or negative manner; pros and cons are presented
-Discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment: Provides a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process to develop the assignment
-Conclusion: Concluding statements summarize insights about the key elements of the paper gained during the assignment. Recommendations for the future are provided
-APA Style: Text, title page, body of paper, summary and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format.
-Citations: Ideas and information from sources are cited correctly. There are a minimum of three scholarly, current (5 years or less) references.
-Writing Mechanics: Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work,
-Pages: At least 2 1/2 pages, not including title or reference page.
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.