How are you framing your life story

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Reference no: EM132313395 , Length: word count : 3000

Assignment Task

About the summarize of childhood, You can create a fake childhood and talk about it. Good day. Some of you have asked questions about section 2c of the individual essay. Here is the response You wrote to a few of this is a compiled version. Please read through and use this to guide your understanding. But DO NOT cite me or what you have written. You need to demonstrate your own understanding in your own words:

1) Based on parts (a) and (b) above of this Main Discussion, how are you “framing” your life story? How can the proper framing of your life story help you develop a sense of purpose? How can you use these life experiences and learning points to learn how to demonstrate your own unique leadership influence? 

A "frame" is like a picture frame. When a photographer takes a picture, a frame keeps some things INSIDE the picture, while the frame also keeps some things OUT of the picture. All of us do the same thing when we try to define, explain, and share and express our lives to others.

We choose to understand our lives a certain way, and we leave out certain things, and share only certain things we feel are important to our story. So, this question is asking you about your frame. Is your frame large enough and honest enough that it includes all the true things about your life story, or is it too small and narrow that you want to leave things out and only let people see certain things?

Does the frame help you take responsibility for your life, or does it limit your perspective and make you place the responsibility for your life on others? When you tell people your story, do you find yourself including all your life experiences, whether good or bad, or do you tend to leave out the bad, or leave out the good? Are you allowing yourself to learn from your life experiences, even the not so good things that have happened? Are you able to accept everything that has happened to you, and learning to allow everything to become a resource for your growth?

2) "Connect your reflections, especially from your learning activities, with the authentic leadership model, and critically, reflectively examine how you are making sense of your own leadership development and journey. " It means learn to see and understand your life story THROUGH the dimensions and principles of the authentic leadership model. Use the authentic model to help you find patterns of purpose and direction, especially your values.

The learning activities are designed to help you learn some things about yourself. Take those things, compare with the authentic model, and try to examine the extent to which they fit. We are all trying to make sense, find some meaning to our life journey. The authentic leadership model is just one model, or framework, to help you try to see and understand it in a more structured way. A model is like a pair of spectacle lens. We wear spectacles to improve our blur vision. So, imagine using the authentic model to try to understand your life a bit better.

3) "To what extent does the leadership research literature support the idea that one can learn how to be an authentic leader and that one can grow and develop in his or her leadership?" Thankyou.

Is there sufficient research evidence to support the authentic leadership model? Is it true that a person can learn to become a more effective leader by learning to be more authentic? Can any person, as long as the person is willing, learn how to become a leader (or do you believe that only some people are born to be leaders)?

4) What other leadership theories and research perspectives might contribute to helping you develop your leadership abilities further? 

Are there other leadership theories that have helped you understand more about yourself, and the way you are learning to lead others (your style, your approach)? Is the authentic model enough? Try to see if other leadership theories teach you something about yourself. Does not have to be all theories. Just some key ones that might stand out to you.



Write a critical, reflective essay using the following structure and guidelines. Each section should have its own heading and begin on a fresh page. During the semester, specific learning activities will help you develop material and insights for your critical, reflective discussion. Examples of these learning activities are identity mapping, personality tests (e.g. The Big Five Personality Dimensions), emotional intelligence assessment, leading with integrity reflection, handling feedback, and mindfulness exercises. The following essay structure is expected:

1) Official SUBS Cover Page + Personalised, Creative Cover Page + Introduction — up to 3 marks:

i) Provide the Official SUBS Cover Page (with full name, student ID, and signature) — ONE (1)    page.

ii) Design a personalised, original, creative cover page connected to the central theme of your essay. Please give your essay an original title, and place this title on this personalised cover page — ONE (1) full page.

iii) Introduction — briefly introduce self and background; explanation of essay title and cover design, and central theme of essay — ONE (1) full page.

2) Main Discussion —Please critically and reflectively examine the following aspects:

a) Summarize your life story, from your childhood until the present. Provide the overall context of your upbringing. Paint broad strokes, highlight significant moments, crossroads, and milestones, mark the key points of your journey, including the peaks and valleys (joy and sadness, successes and failures, when you felt comfortable and when you felt struggle). Share about your passions, and acknowledge the people who helped shape you into who you are, and who you are becoming;

b) Using the lens of the authentic leadership model to make sense of your life journey, what were the most significant things you learnt about yourself from these different learning activities, especially regarding your own values, being ethical and “grounded”, and demonstrating integrity?

To what extent were these learning activities accurate, fair, useful, and reliable in enabling you to gain helpful insights and specific feedback about yourself and help you develop as an authentic leader? Which learning activities were the most meaningful to you, and why?

How did you handle difficult feedback, if any? To what extent have you learned vital lessons from your struggles and failures? Apart from the learning activities, what else can a person do to develop his or her leadership potential and skills? What other aspects are necessary for effective leadership? Provide some recommendations based on your research.

c) Based on parts (a) and (b) above of this Main Discussion, how are you “framing” your life story? How can the proper framing of your life story help you develop a sense of purpose? How can you use these life experiences and learning points to learn how fo demonstrate your own unique leadership influence? Connect your reflections, especially from your learning activities, with the authentic leadership model, and critically, reflectively examine how you are making sense of your own leadership development and journey.

To what extent is the authentic leadership Jens sufficient for leadership development? To what extent does the leadership research literature support the idea that one can learn how to be an authentic leader and that one can grow and develop in his or her leadership? What other leadership theories and research perspectives might contribute to helping you develop your leadership abilities further?

3) Conclusion — (should be more than just a summary, and more than a brief paragraph. It should be more than one page) — Extent to which conclusion is thoughtful, specific, relevant, clear, ties up loose ends, re-visits central theme of essay, contains closure, and leaves a lasting impression upon the reader.

Your conclusion should also attempt to address the following:

What does integrity have to do with being an authentic leader? What does Bill George’s concept of “true north” mean to you now, after your research and reflections in the process of preparing this essay?

4) Reference List —This essay requires you to conduct a review of relevant leadership research literature. MINIMUM of TEN (10) references expected, using the APA referencing style. Please ensure that in-text references are provided within your essay as well (essay will be penalised if these are missing); extent research is linked with essay content, especially the Main Discussion and Conclusion; quality and credibility of sources (Wikipedia and are examples of sources of questionable quality and credibility).

5) Overall quality and structure of work — Extent to which essay is neat and organised; extent to which instructions and guidelines are followed (e.g. page numbering provided); attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other details.

6) Appendix — The appendix is to contain evidence of learning. This evidence is to consist of clear photographs or scanned copies of any FIVE (5) Learning Activity worksheets you have completed. The strength of the evidence provided may influence the marks awarded on the essay. Remember to connect your essay with specific, relevant learning activities.


Form a small project team (maximum 3 members; all from the same tutorial group). Please elect a Team Leader and fill out the Team Form {available on Elearn). Please e-mail the Team Form to your lecturer, who will assign each team a Team Number. In addition to this detailed coursework handout, a collection of resources will be placed in Elearn for your reference (under ‘Coursework’).

Each team should invest in team building activities in order to: e Grow in understanding each other's working style, strengths, and weaknesses. e Build trust, clarify expectations, and improve team culture and collaboration. | e Share concerns regarding personal issues and circumstances that may affect the team.

To help get the team started, some team-building exercises will be conducted during class time. One team-building activity will involve designing your Team Coat of Arms (see Appendix 1).


1) Official SUBS Cover Page.

2) Creative Team Cover Page: The cover page must be creative and original, and contain a photograph of the team with the interviewee. The cover should be designed well, and the photograph must be clear and of good quality. Please create a good title for this leadership interview and place it on the cover page. The team number, names of each team member, and student ID numbers must also be present on the cover page. Team members must be dressed appropriately in business attire - ONE (1) full page.

3) Introduction of the leader: The team must prepare an introduction of the leader. Please provide a brief background of the leader, as well as the key reason he or she was selected for the interview. This introduction is to be limited to ONE (1) full A4 size page.

Section 2 — Leadership Interview Transcript

Length of Leadership Interview Transcript: maximum FOUR (4) A4 size pages. This transcript is to be prepared in the Question and Answer format. Please ensure the transcript is clear and neat, and contains rich, in-depth interview content. You may edit the raw interview material to reduce length, as well as to clean-up any issues with slang, grammar, and appropriate language.

Note: For Section 2, DO NOT use double-spacing in this transcript. Use 1.0 (SINGLE) spacing. You may use any font type or size, as long as it is readable and not too small.

Section 3 — Critical, Reflective Response

This critical reflection is the response by the team, written in a structured essay form, to what they have learned from the interview with the leader. The team must strive to link what they have learned from the leader with what they have been learning academically in the course, especially from the following SIX (6) compulsory areas (interview questions must cover all six areas):

i) Team-building and followership.

ii) Building and managing diversity in the team / organisation.

iii) Values, integrity and ethics in leadership.

iv) Personal and professional development and growth.

v) Rest and renewal, balancing personal and professional priorities.

vi) Leading change.

It is not necessary for this critical reflection to cover ALL interview questions, or even all of the 6 compulsory areas above. Instead, the goal is to zoom in on some of the important ideas your interviewee has emphasised that may be connected to some of these compulsory areas, as well as other questions asked in the interview. The word limit does not permit your team to cover every single point in detail. The goal is to aim for depth in addressing some key issues and ideas.

Please attempt to connect some leadership research from the literature to thoughts shared by the leader from the interview. The interview should also strive to find out some of the following from the interviewee (try to develop some questions from these areas):

a) The worldview and leadership philosophy of the leader.

b) His or her leadership style, strengths, and weaknesses, and core values as a leader.

c) Key life-shaping experiences that had a major impact on the leader’s passion, purpose, values, worldview, and approach to leadership, decision-making, and how he or she deals with people. ,

d) Key principles and thoughts the leader would like to pass on to young people, and emerging leaders.

e) Any concept, idea, practice, aspect, and issue that the team may agree or disagree with, find surprising, or feel is highly significant and distinct.

Please ensure that this essay has an introduction, a main discussion body, and a conclusion. Very importantly, please specify the names of team members who contributed fo each portion of this critical reflection (using a simple “Written by ”), The team should strive, as best as possible, to allocate equal writing portions to each member.

Section 4— References, Overali Quality

Minimum TEN (10) references are required, using the APA referencing style. In-text referencing is expected in Section 3; extent to which instructions are followed; quality and credibility of sources; overall quality of the work (e.g. attention to detail, workmanship, spelling, and grammar).

Please also include a copy of your Similarity Percentage Report (summary page only) and Receipt.

Note: Submit only Section 1- Introduction, and Section 3 — Critical Reflective Response to (as one document).

Formatting Instructions for Section 1 and 3:

Font type: Times New Roman Font Size: 12 Spacing: 1.5 Header: Team Number Margins: 1 inch above and below, left and right (or choose ‘Normal’ in Microsoft Word)

Text alignment: Justified Page numbering: Bottom centre Footer: None

Please be creative and original with the Team Cover Page, and the above formatting requirements do not apply to the Team Cover Page or the Interview Transcript.

Reference no: EM132313395

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How are you framing your life story : MGT3073-LEADERSHIP-SUNWAYUNIVERSITYBUSINESSSCHOOL- Malaysia-What other leadership theories and research perspectives might contribute to helping you develop you
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5/29/2019 1:47:56 AM

This essay requires you to conduct a review of relevant leadership research literature. MINIMUM of TEN (10) references expected, using the APA referencing style. Please ensure that in-text references are provided within your essay as well (essay will be penalised if these are missing); extent research is linked with essay content, especially the Main Discussion and Conclusion; quality and credibility of sources (Wikipedia and are examples of sources of questionable quality and credibility). Overall quality and structure of work — Extent to which essay is neat and organised; extent to which instructions and guidelines are followed (e.g. page numbering provided); attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other details.

Write a Review

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