Reference no: EM133195543
Assignment: Intercultural Communication
• Develop multiple perspectives toward self-understanding and reflect on differential impacts of identifications in relation to both self and others (Address cultural competencies of the degree learning outcomes in the communication)
• Explain diverse concepts, theories, and perspectives of inter/cultural communication scholarship, including major research paradigms in intercultural communication (Address theoretical competencies of the degree learning outcomes in the communication)
• Utilize scholarly search engines to find and establish credible backing for arguments such as in a group presentation (Address foundational competencies of the degree learning outcomes in the communication)
• Translate theoretical understanding of inter/cultural communication into practice in everyday situations (Address applied competencies of the degree learning outcomes in the communication)
• Identify relevant evaluative criteria and barriers-institutionalized systems of privilege-that arise from histories of colonization, exploitation, and discrimination (Address critical competencies of the degree learning outcomes in the communication)
We have covered a lot this semester. Now is the time to put everything together and make sense of how it connects to the course learning objectives.
Use the following prompts to complete the final self-reflection paper. This is your chance to deeply reflect on what these have been for you taking this class. What has changed or not? How are you dealing with some of the concepts you have learned so far? In a word document, answer the questions below:
• Before/During/After this class, I found out that the most significant issue in my community/society is that....... This social problem is also connected to issues that were raised by Martin and Nakayama (2018) such as .......... They stated that, " ......................" Due to these concerns, it is imperative that we study intercultural communication because.........(make connections to the imperatives introduced in the first chapter of the textbook)
• Personally, I feel that (name one or two of the four building blocks of Intercultural Communication (Culture, Communication, Context and Power) introduced by Martin and Nakayama (2018) peeked my attention because.......... This building block is also connected to the social issue I introduced earlier (explain the connection)
• At the beginning of this class, I did not know how much about this issue is connected to culture, power and communication............. Now I feel that they are connected in this way (explain the connection)
• The chapter that I found most interesting is .......... Two concepts that stood out to me the most are.....Explain them in detail. I think I have finally grasped (this concept). Initially, I did not realize the benefit of seeing this concept in this way. However, I have realized that this concept helps us understand (this social issue) in this way.
• Our readings have highlighted the importance of considering ......... during intercultural interactions which I intend to do in similar scenarios in the future. From this experience/class, I have learned that to be an ally is to........ to be an ally is not to....
• This experience/class has highlighted that I need to develop further knowledge in the concept of X to address issues of ......... To address this, I intend to............