How are those various channels integrated

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133330454

Pepsi has embraced the communication capabilities of emojis in a big way--you might even say, in a maximal way. Actually, PepsiCo would love it if you used that description because for its Pepsi Max line of beverages, it actively seeks to establish a consistently cool, cutting-edge perception among consumers, mainly by using integrated marketing campaigns that revolve around the notion of living life "to the max."

Let's consider a few of the ways it presents consistent messages across a range of channels. The very name of the product line provides the foundation for a consistent message.
By referring to the carbonated beverage as Pepsi Max, PepsiCo signals that this brand will offer more, greater, and bigger things to consumers. Thus every communication needs to be "to the max" as well--grander, louder, more exciting, and more thrilling. In this effort, PepsiCo uses the tagline "Maximum Taste, No Sugar" in combination with hashtags such as #Livefor Now and #Unbelievable on social media.

On its dedicated YouTube channel, Pepsi Max posts videos of people living up to the philosophies embedded in the hashtags, including the "Human Loop the Loop" Damien Walters-a man who seemingly defies gravity (and offers an excellent lesson in centripetal force) in his unbelievable physical feat of running all the way around a vertical loop-the-loop. Other videos on the channel highlight "Amazing Trampoline Tricks" and cool JumpCam shots of remarkable feats. The efforts have vastly increased the number of followers and views earned by adrenaline junkies, as well as those who simply find enjoyment in watching seemingly normal people be unbelievable."

Rather than amazing feats by regular people, Pepsi Max's #Maxfootball campaign relies on some of the biggest names in men's soccer, including Sergio Agüero from Man City. James Rodriguez of Real Madrid, Arsenal's Alexis Sánchez, and the goalkeeper David de Gea for Manchester United. In televised advertisements, the players are flashed blue cards (rather than the yellow and red cards that stop playing in the game). prompting adventures and fun for the regular people holding them up. One television spot, for exam-Pic, tells the story of two regular delivery drivers who raise their blue cards and thereby gain magical access to a shooting session with the all-star players, who show off their acrobatic moves and enviable ball-handling skills.

With a linked app. Pepsi Max allows users to enter contests to win similar "Blue Card Experiences," including tickets to the championship game. To increase the coordination gross campaigns, the app also features a function letting users scan the Pepsi emojis on Pepsi Max cans to win prizes and contest entries.


  1. Which channels is Pepsi Max using to communicate its marketing messages? Rank order your impression of how effective they are and justify your answer.
  2. How are those various channels integrated?
  3. Which IMC channels do these Pepsi Max campaign make use of?

Reference no: EM133330454

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